Ch. 5: I Work Alone

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As promised, I showed up outside of the bar and saw the band waiting patiently for me. I casually strolled up to them and raised an eye brow.

"You know, you guys could have waited inside," I said.

They looked at each other and shrugged.

"We didn't want to lose you in the crowd," Axl explained.

I ruffled Slash's hair playfully. "How could anybody miss this?"

Slash chuckled and swatted my hand away.

"So what's the plan for tonight?" Steven asked eagerly. "You got more coke?"

I noticed Tiny watching me carefully in the corner of his eye. He had his arms folded over his chest and he was pretending to mind his own business but I knew he was eavesdropping on every word.

"Sorry boys, no can do."

They all groaned in unison.

"Hey, I've got to put bread on the table," I reminded them. "First one's on the house, but after that, it's all you."

"Do we get a best friend discount?" Steven gave me his adorable smile and I felt my heart melting. Still, I knew better than to let puppy dog eyes get the best of me.

"I didn't realize you were my best friend," I snorted.

"Damn, Max. You're harsh."

I shrugged. "Welcome to the jungle, man."

I saw Axl stare at me carefully for a moment before mumbling something under his breath. I gave him a look that told him I thought he was crazy, but he ignored me-too lost in his thoughts to notice.

"Look, if you guys want some fun, I know all the hot spots."

"Hey, we know a lot of good joints too!" Slash whined.

I rolled my eyes. "But can you get into all of them?"

They grew silent and I smirked.

"Didn't think so."

I beckoned them with a finger as I turned on my heel and sauntered down the street, my hips swaying as I went.

We stopped by a few parties throughout the night. While I was busy dealing, the boys were wandering. I assumed they were out scouting for some young maidens to ravage and were also most likely scavenging for alcohol and drugs.

Just as I wrapped up a deal with some jittery freshman, I felt someone come up behind me.

"Having a good time?"

I heaved a sigh before turning around and coming face to chest with Duff. "I wouldn't go that far."

He chuckled and nodded at my handful of cash. "You making your rounds?"

I hurriedly stuffed the money into my pocket and shouldered passed him. I didn't want him bothering me about money and work. The last thing I needed was for this jerk to be poking into my personal life. I thought I'd lost him somewhere by the keg in the living room, but when I looked over my shoulder, there he was, walking behind me as though he belonged there. I didn't want to blow up on him, but I was really starting to get annoyed.

There were very few things I needed in life, very few things that I felt were the most important to me. There was music, and there was privacy, and right now, Duff was ruining at least one of those things for me.

"Do you mind?" I demanded, twirling around and jabbing his chest with my finger.

"Nah. I like the view of you from back here."

I bit the inside of my cheek, trying to hold back the rude words that were threatening to spew from my throat.

"Go away," I ordered.

"Why?" He gave me a confused look.

"I work alone," I said, beginning to walk away from him. "Always have, always will."

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