1| College, you suck|

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Alex's POV

I pulled my first bag out of the taxi. I went to grab the second one when the taxi drove off. "Hey! My other bag was- What am I doing? He can't hear me." I picked up my bag and stepped into the administration office. "Hello, hun, how can I help you?" Said a plump, gray-haired woman at the front desk. "Hi, um, my name is Alexander Hamilton and I'm here to pick up my schedule. " I smiled back at the woman. She slid her glasses down the bridge of her nose. "You are the kid that got here on scholarships alone?" She raised one eyebrow. I looked around nervously and shrugged. "Don't look like no genius." She shook her head and typed something on the computer. My face turned red as I became angrier. Keep your cool, Alex. I took a deep breath and calmed down. "Alright, Mr. Hamilton," Said the woman, taking something from the printer, "here's your schedule," She handed the paper to me, "and here's your room key." She handed the key to me as well. I said thanks and walked out the door. I inspected the key in my hand as I walked. 1776 was my room number. I kept walking until I found the building I'd be staying in for the rest of the year.

I walked up the four flights of stairs to my room. 1774, I read. Almost to my room. 1775, 1776! I stuck the key in the knob and turned it. I walked in and it looked deserted. I guess my dorm mate isn't here yet. I walked in both bedrooms, seeing which was biggest. The first one was bigger, so I chose the latter. What can I say, I like small, cozy rooms. I set my bag on the ground and opened it. I pulled the sheets out and began assembling my room.

John's POV

"Dude, what if you get a complete psycho?" asked my best friend, Herc. "Mhm. What if they want to take weird pictures of you, mon amie." said Lafayette, my other best friend. "My roommate can't be that bad can they. I doubt they'd let a psycho into Princeton, Herc." I said, walking up the steps.
"I'm just making conversation, John."
"Well, you're scaring me with this conversation."
"I told you you should have roomed with Seabury like you did last."
"Now, why do you think I didn't, Hercules? If I liked him as my roommate, I would have kept him."
"Yeah, well-"
"Herc, John, stop arguing. You're hurting my ears." Said Laf, cutting us both off.
"You're not my dad." Mumbled Herc. I mumbled " College, you suck..." Jefferson was strutting down the hall when he stopped in front of us. " Welcome back to college assholes!"
Jefferson always pisses me off. "Fuck off Thomas." " Ohhhh! I see Johnny boy has a temper today.... well, well!" Before he could say anything else, Herc pushed him down the stairs and Laf flipped him off.
We all laughed as we took the last few steps to the door. "Okay are you two coming into my room first?" I asked. They shrugged. "I'll take that as a yes." I turned the knob, expecting it to be locked. It wasn't. I walked in, Herc and Laf following close behind me to see what kind of monstrosity of a roommate I would get this year. I put my backpack down on the kitchen counter and walked towards the bedrooms.
I heard a male voice curse loudly. Herc and Laf were trying their hardest not to laugh. "Guys, shh!" I said to them, putting a finger to my lips. I slowly walked towards the door.

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