18|who makes you happy?|

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Alex's POV
I woke up at 3:40 p.m apparently, according to my watch. My head was pounding, and my body ached.

I also realized that I missed almost all of my classes.

I started to panic, but I didn't want to get up. Oh well!
Then John walks in the bedroom, and his eyes widen.
" Oh my god, Alex! You're awake!!!" He shouted, and ran over to hug me.
"What happened? Did someone die or something?" I asked, confused. " What? No! You haven't woken up in days!"

" Ummm, why?" I asked, then the group walked in.
" Alex! Oh my god! You're alive!" Screamed Eliza.
" Mon ami, are you ok? We were worried sick!" Laf said, pushing John out of the way and staying at my bedside.

"Guys! Calm down! He needs rest!" John shouted, and everyone backed away from me.

" Okay, so back to my question. Why the hell are you all in here, and why are you all worried about me?" Everyone but Eliza looked at me funny.

" Oh, John about that. He won't remember this WHOLE week. What I mean is he won't remember any of last week." She said, which put John at ease.

"So...... WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!" I yelled. What can I say? I'm an impatient man!

" Alex, you were sick for a whole week, and asleep for six days of that week. The first day you had a high fever and you called John Oscar the Grouch, also swatting at him and telling him to ' stay away from your toaster'." Peggy said.

I froze.

" A whole........ fucking......week?" I asked, looking concerned. Everyone nodded.

"Wow....." I said. Everyone said they had something to do, and left.

Except John.

He climbed in bed next to me and kissed my head. Nothing was said. It was just dead silent. It felt good.

We were in bed for awhile. John ended up falling asleep. I noticed that after I heard a light snore. Well, of course he was warm, so I fell asleep easily.

{A Few weeks later}

John's POV

I woke up when I realized Alex wasn't beside me. I walked out of the bedroom to find something I wish I hadn't seen.

Alex's meds were completely gone.

After I JUST refilled it YESTERDAY....

Oh shit......

I raced around the dorm, trying to find Alex. I finally got to the bathroom door, only to hear light sobs coming from the bathroom.

I bust in to see Alex trying to take a handful of  pills.

His medicine that was missing.

I rushed over to him and slapped the pills out of his hands.

" Alexander Hamilton! Why the hell did you try to do that?!" I screamed. At this point, tears were running down my cheeks.

"I-I thought it would be the best decision. Nobody would have to worry about me anymore, I wouldn't have to deal with Jefferson, and you...... Y-you would find someone that made you happier than I could ever make you. Someone who.......

You love..."

I froze. Did he...... really just say that?

My tears, which became streams, were now rivers, and on the edge of being an ocean.

" Alex.......Why would you say that?" I asked, wiping away his tears.

"You deserve someone......that......makes you happy." He said and lowered his head even more.

" I love you, and you do make me happy. If I lost you, I wouldn't be able to go on, but I would at least tell your story...." I pulled his face towards mine, and kissed him.

" T-thank you, John..." Alex said, standing up.

" You are so welcome."

We walked back to bed.

" Seriously John, who makes you happy?"
I looked at Alex. I sighed, then smiled

" You make me happy. You gave me something I haven't really have......

That's love."

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