(13) Xmas PT.2 | Flight or Fight|

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John' POV
We woke up the next day early, because Eliza wanted to go somewhere with everyone. " Why do we even have to get up THIS early?" Alex complained. " Alex, it's only 5:43 A.M.! How could you b-" and then I passed out on the bed. A couple minutes later, I'm being violently shaken by a panicked Alex. "WAKE UP! ELIZA IS GONNA KILL US IF WE AREN'T DOWN THERE IN TIME!!" I quickly jumped out of bed when I realized something up against my lips. It was Alex's lips.
"Why did you do that?!" I asked, shocked. "Because I have thought it would get you up! Now come on!" Alex snapped, and grabbed my hand.
When we got downstairs, we saw Eliza with her arms crossed. "What took you guys so long?!" Eliza snapped. "Sorry. I fell back asleep." I said, scratching my head. " Well let's get going. We need to be there early." She said in a nicer tone.
We were going to some big mall or something. 
Once we got there, the girls ran towards some of the stores, while us guys just browsed around. Alex and I went into one store and we both bought a shirt. We went into a couple of other shops, and bought a pair of jeans, and more hair bands.
We were on our way back home, when two guys were spray painting the side of a building. We were able to get a glimpse of what they were painting.
Written in big blue letters that said '#PRIDE'. Then they put a big red 'X' on it. That pissed Alex off and he ran over there. The two guys both punched Alex, who then punched them back. Then all three of them were throwing punches until Alex began to grow weak. Then one guy slapped him in the face
And that, my friend, is how we were in the hospital on Christmas Eve.

Alex's POV

Everything was blurry when I woke up. All I heard was my heart monitor, and Flappy Birds. I sit up to see John, intensely staring at his phone. Then he looks at me and then back at his phone. "You got into to a fight, before you ask." John said, calmly. " Oh. Okay. Wait...... Isn't today Christmas Eve?" I ask. " Yes it is." John replied. The rest of the team comes in and gather around me. " Alex! You could've gotten killed!" Eliza said. " You dumbass. You need to stop getting into fights." Herc snaps. " You need to be more careful, Alex." Angie calmly said." You dingus!" Peggy snapped. Of course Peggy is mad. She is like the little sister I never had, but always wanted. " Mon ami, you are so stupid!" Laf barked. "Alexander, are you ok?" Aaron asked, concerned.

" Guys! Back off! He needs to rest up because he is getting discharged in two hours." John spoke up. I felt a sharp pain in my arm. " Oh, by the way Alex, you broke your arm." He said, looking back down at his phone. I looked at my arm, and a dark blue cast was wrapped around my arm. 'Nice going, Alex' I thought to myself.

I got discharged from the hospital, and we took a cab home. Well, Herc, Laf, John and I took the first cab, and Angie, Peggy, Eliza and Burr took another one. 

I looked at my watch. 1:53 A.M. None of us were tired. " So what should we do?" Herc asked. " CHRISTMAS CAROLS AND DRESSING LAF UP AS A REINDEER, AND ALEX CAN BE SANTA CLAUS!" Peggy yelled. " Shhhh! Keep it down! Your dad will k-" Peggy cut John off. "It's fine! Our dad is used to us being loud and obnoxious! He wears sound proof headphones at night because of us!" 

After a while of that, we all went to bed. John wrapped his arms around me." Merry Christmas, Alex." He said, and kissed my head. " Merry Christmas to you too, John.

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