16 | Miracles and Mistakes|

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Herc's POV

We get a call from John, who sounds panicked.

" Hey John. What's up?" I said. " You guys need to come to the hospital, right now! Alex attempted suicide and I think he's dead!!" John said, sobbing. I froze. " Herc, what's wrong?" Peggy asked. " W-we will be right there...." I said, and hung up. " Everyone, get your stuff and get in the van." I said. No one asked questions. Everyone quickly got their stuff, and loaded it into the van. We started driving. " Herc? What happened?" Eliza said, concerned. " A-Alex attempted suicide, and the doctors don't know if he will survive." The car was quiet for a long time until Angie started crying. " T-this is all my fault..." She stuttered. " How?" Laf asked, tearing up. " He stabbed himself in the chest according to John. John said when he ran in to the dorm, he was too late. Alex had already done it." I responded. The rest of the car ride was silent, and I knew it would be for a while. This is gonna be a long day, since it takes us a day to get back.

[ The next day...]

We arrived at the hospital.

"We are here to see Alexander Hamilton?" Eliza said. " He is on floor four, but you will need to wait in the waiting room." She said in a dull voice.

" Okay. Thank you." Angie said, and we got in the elevator. "Is Alexander going to be okay?" Aaron asks. " Aaron, you can call him Alex. Also, I have know clue." I said.

When the elevator door opened, we saw one person in the waiting room.


His hair was messed up and he had bags under his eyes. " Oh my god, John, are you okay?" Aaron asks, rushing over to him. " I haven't slept at all, and I've been stressing. Surprisingly I haven't had any beer yet, so I call that improvement!" He said, and chuckled.

Poor John. He didn't need to see all of this happen.

- One week later- { He's not writing a letter nightly...}

John's POV

I haven't slept in a week. {A/N: SORRY NOT SORRY XD}

They haven't said anything to any of us about Alex. For a whole week, Aaron, Herc, Eliza, Angie, Peggy, Laf and I have been here. Herc will sometimes get us food, if we want any. Out of everyone, I've cried the most and I look the worst. I couldn't help it. I was worried about him. Then Thomas and James walked in, holding hands. When the fuck did that happen? " Mr. Washington wanted us to bring you your work." Thomas said, and handed each of us some paper. " Thanks Thomas." Laf said, and Thomas and James walked out, still holding hands. We started to work on it. After awhile, we all finished. Then a nurse came in the waiting room. At that point, my heart stopped. I was afraid something was wrong.

" Are you John Laurens?" The lady asked, looking at me. " Yes, I am." I said. Alex is not doing very well, but since you are his emergency contact, you are allowed to see him." She said. I got up and followed her to Alex's room. She lets me walk in and gives me some time alone with him. I walk over to his bed.

" A-Alex, I'm so sorry for what I said to you. I should have heard what you had to say. If you hate me for the rest of your life, that's fine. I just want you alive and happy." I said, tearing up. I put my head on his chest and began to cry. " If only I could trade your life for mine." I said.

I look up to see Alex's eyes open, and him staring at me.

" Alex..... You're alive.." I said, putting a smile on my face and my tears turn into happy tears.

" John....." He weakly said, and wiped the tear off of my cheek. He pulled me into a hug. The nurse walked in with Eliza. " Sir, we let you stay for the week that Alexander was in intensive Care. Your friends are leaving because visiting hours are over, but I was told you and this girl are going to stay overnight with him. He will be released in two days." "Okay. Thank you m'am. " I said with a smile.

- Two weeks later- {In the living room STRESSIN'}

We were watching a movie on the couch when we noticed it started to snow. It was beautiful watching the snow fall, and it was nice have Alex home. Sure, he will alway have stitches, but it will be ok. He's alive and happy. That's all that matters to me. " Hey, and email was just sent out. The weather is ' too dangerous' to hold classes. Whatever 'shall we do?" I said with a smirk. " Uh, leave me alone, creep." he said, then laughed.
"Come on Alex, stop being a party popper!" I said. " It's ok. We still have plenty of time to do other things!" He said with a smile. Then our movie turned out to be 'Netflix and chill'. It was a miracle he was alive, even though I made stupid mistakes. All that mattered is that we were us.

That's all that mattered.

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