19 | A Punishment|

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{ A/N: Wow....... I just realized the last time I updated was August 10th. Anyways, I've been drowning in school work so........... Here ya go. I also apologize for posting so late.( I might be posting again tonight/morning just a heads up) Okay bye.}

John's POV

What is the first thing Alex does when he gets home from the hospital? He tries to fucking kill himself.  Grreeaaattt. Now not only do I have to deal with my school work, but I have to deal with my suicidal boyfriend. I still can't believe he even tried to kill himself, to make me happy.

My phone began to ring.

Turned my phone over to see the illuminated screen, which read "eLZZZZAAAA" . I answered the call, walking outside to the hall, so I could annoy anyone but Alex. He needed to sleep. He's going to attempt going to his classes.

"Hey John!" She exclaimed. She sounded wide awake.

" Eliza, why are you awake at this hour?" I looked down at my watch. 4:30 a.m.

"It's only 4:30, and I'm calling you to remind you that we have 6:30 exams, asshole." She growled.

I walked back in our dorm to look at the calendar. I had put our exam dates on there.

" No we d-" 

There it was. Biology exam, 6:30 a.m.

" Told ya!" Eliza yelled into the phone, which hurt my ears. 

" Eliza, shut the fuck up." I heard Peggy's faint voice, who sounded like Eliza woke her up with all of her screaming.

" Margarita Schuyler! Watch your language!" I yelled back into the phone.

" Shut up, John!" Peggy yelled back.


Alex's POV

When I woke up, John was gone. I began to panic, and I raced over to the calendar. I scanned down till I found the 23rd of April. Wow. We would be seniors next year. I erased that thought from my head and read what was in the box.

Alex: Law exam: 8:30 a.m.

John: Biology exam: 6:30 a.m.

Since when did John take biology? I turned to see what time it was on the small clock sitting on the night stand.

8:00 a.m.


I threw on some comfortable and bolted out of the door.


I ran into class and jumped in my seat. " Okay class! You have as much time as you need to complete your exam." Mr.Washington said. I sighed. This is going to be a loooonnnnng day.

John's POV

I walk in and flop on my bed. Man, I have never been more tired. Alex should be home in about two hours. I heard the sound of heels or some type of other shoe stop at the door. The door slowly opened, revealing a girl almost as tall as me, with straight, brown hair. She walked in and pinned me up against the wall. " Now listen here, your dad sent me to make sure you were dating a girl. So are you?" She said. Shit. I knew my dad would pull something like this. " First of all, who the hell are you? Second, no, I'm not. I'm dating a guy." I said, and pushed her off of me.

"Just what I expected....." She replied, smirking. " I'm Martha Manning. Like I said before, I was sent by your father." She handed me a piece of paper, stating some rules that my father had made for Martha.


                Thank you again for agreeing to do this. Here is what you need to do. Ask him if he is dating a man, or lady. If he is dating a girl, don't do anything but walk out. If he is dating a man, I must punish him. You are to engage in intercourse. Use the mixture I gave you, with your money, to force him unconscious. More details will be coming soon.


                                            Henry Laurens

She knocked me to the ground with her huge heels, and shoved some liquid down my throat. I saw Martha dragging me to  bed, and unzipping my jeans. 

No no no no. Stay awake, John. My mind kept telling me.

Everything went black.

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