8| Alex is gone! |

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{ A/N: WE WILL BE BACK TO JOHN AND ALEX SOON! I'm just switching things up for now...}

Thomas' POV

I sat in class taking some notes, when I realized how quiet it was. I quickly look around to see if I can find Hamilton anywhere. I don't see him. I begin to smile. " Thomas, why the hell are you so happy?" James asked me. " That annoying piece-of-shit is gone!" I exclaimed. " Well calm down Thomas. You need to wait until you get out of class to get all excited." Burr said and I rolled my eyes at him.

After class I went up to Mr. Washington. " Excuse me, sir?" "Yes Thomas, what is it?" He said. He didn't sound very happy. Oh well! " How long has Hamilton been out for?" I said with a smirk on my face. He looked at a piece of paper. " He has been out for three weeks because he w-" I cut him off. " WOOHOO NO MORE HAMILTON! HE'S GONE! YAY!" I yelled and skipped out of the room.

John's POV

Thomas came skipping by yelling at the top of his lungs. " GOODBYE PIECE-OF-SHIT HAMILTON! WOOOHOOOOOO!!!" Dear lord he was loud. He slams the door and continues screaming. Herc, Laf, and Peggy all came over. " Man, Thomas is really happy." Peggy said. Then we heard more screaming. " GOOD RIDDANCE HAMILTON!! WOOHOO!" 

After a while of talking, Thomas came over. " Hey John! Sorry that your boyfriend left you!" "What are y-?" I began to say, before he cut me off by slamming the door. " He needs to calm down." Laf said. Herc and Peggy stared at me. " BOYFRIEND?!" They said in unison. " What? No! I mean, not..... yet." Peggy smirked. "Not yet, eh,  mon ami?" Laf said. " Shut up!"

James M.'s POV

Thomas comes running back in and jumps on his bed. He's been acting like a mad man! I decided I'm gonna go talk to John before he goes to sleep or the bar ( where you would most likely find me). I walk up to his dorm and knock. Please tell me John will talk to me. He opened the door. I never thought that would happen. 

" Hello Madison." He says, and steps aside for me to come in. Man, he has never been this nice before. " Hey John! I was wondering where Alex went." He turned around and stared at me. "Um.... Why?" He asked. " Thomas has been acting like a mad man recently so I need to know if Alex still goes to this school." John nodded and then sat down on the couch with me.

 " Alex is still going to this school. He got pushed out in the road, and then got hit by a car." He looked down at his feet. " Oh my god. I-I'm so sorry." I said. He looked up at me and smiled. " He is awake now. It makes me smile that he will be ok. That fact that he is alive is a miracle and as long as he is alive , that's enough." John said, and then stood up. "I have to go back to the hospital, but it was nice talking to you" He said and walked out. I walked out and closed the door behind me.

Thomas is gonna kill me.

I get back to our dorm and sit down on our crappy-looking couch. " Hey Thomas?" "Yeah?" He said, sitting beside me on the couch. " You know, Alex still goes to this school, right?" He  froze, and then started running towards the bathroom. I heard loud sobbing. Eh, he's gonna be just fine! He's just mad that his enemy is still at this school. Also that he is not dead. 

What can I say? Thomas is like that. Maybe I like Thomas too. He brings out a different side of me

Maybe not a good one, but it's an enjoyable side.

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