22|Under Arrest|

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Alex's POV
"John Laurens, you are under arrest"

"Wait, what?" John started to panic. Quite frankly, I was doing the same, but internally. I have a feeling it had something to do with Martha, and a few other people.

They shoved John into a police car and drove off. Herc, Laf, the Schuyler sisters and I following close behind them.

John's POV

They make me change into an big, ugly ass orange suit, then they took headshots. A police officer then took me to an interrogation room, where a woman came in and gave me a dirty look.

 " Alrighty here, Mr.Laurens. According to these papers, you were accused of raping Martha Manning." She said with a dull face. I was about to scream. I had to stay calm.

Stay calm. For not only you, but Alex. My mind kept repeating.

" No ma'am. I believe that is incorrect. She raped me right after she drugged me." I said, trying to stay clam still. Not working.

" It says right here that seven people called to report it, including Martha Manning, herself."

That little bitch.

Alex's POV

We sat in a sort-of waiting room, hoping they would tell us SOMETHING. I'm so stressed I'm about to pee in my pants. I tried to calm myself by tapping my foot. Wasn't working. I didn't want to go to the bathroom because I didn't want to not be here when there might be something important we need to know.

A lady walked into the room any came over to the six of us, and stopped. " Ummmmm...... Are one of you Alexander Hamilton?" She sounded very unsure. 

Thank god.

" Yes. That's me." I spoke up. " We will be checking security cameras from the college tomorrow, which means John will stay in a cellar until we can get this all sorted out."

And that, my friends, is how I wetted the chair I was sitting in.

{A/N: I'm dying while typing this. OMG PLS HELP}

John's POV

They put me in a cellar, which was basically just a metal chamber, and it smelled like literal shit.

I miss how warm Alex is. Even though we aren't dating right now, I felt comfortable around him.

They just need to figure this out.

{The next day} 

Alex's POV                  12:30 p.m.

I ran up the stairs to Herc and Laf's dorm. 

" GUYS GET YOUR ASSES OUT OF BED! WE'RE GOING TO PICK UP JOHN!" I screamed, excitedly. " Alex, mon ami, what the fuck?" Laf groaned. Herc just groaned, got up, and threw on some sweat pants and a t-shirt and picked Laf and carried him to the car.

I run in to see John in the waiting room, awaiting our arrival. He spun around quickly and saw me, and ran towards me. Then he squeezes me. " Oh my god, I've missed you so much." He said, kissing my forehead.

"I've missed you too." I replied, smiling. We got in Herc's car, and drove home.


John's POV 

Alex and I started watching a movie, cuddled up with each other. I realized that I don't need to wait a whole week just to date Alex again.

"Hey, Alex?"


" I'm ready."

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