6| I like you a lot...|

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John's POV

He kissed me. I was in such a state of shock I couldn't do anything. He pulled himself off of my lips, and ran.

I was still stunned by the fact that HE kissed ME. I didn't do anything. After sitting there for five minutes, I headed back towards our dorm. When I got there I unlocked the door, but it was silent. Thats new. I went to see if he was in his room. He wasn't but something else was.

A note from Alex.

Dear John,

I'm sorry I kissed you. I feel like an idiot. I don't think I can be at this school anymore. I'm so sorry. I hope to see you soon. Since I may never see you again, I wanted to tell you this. Laurens, I like you a lot.


I started to tear up while reading that. I have to find Alex.

This was all my fault. I shouldn't have asked about his story. Then he wouldn't have kissed me and then ran off.

I fell to the floor and began to cry, clutching the letter.

I heard the door open. " Hey Alex we need to-" It was Eliza.

She looked down at me "JOHN! WHA-WHAT'S WRONG?!" she screamed and she wrapped her arms around me.

"A-Alex r-ran away..."She stood still for a whole ten minutes before saying or doing anything. She started tearing up. " D-don't worry! Let me try calling him!" She said, trying to cheer me up.It didn't work. " Shit. No answer. I think we need to form a search party." She took out her phone and texted the group chat.

Meme Team WOOT

eLIZZZAAA: Hey guys Alex is missing.


Baguette: Nice going Alex

PeX2GY: GUYS STOP! What happened?

TuRtLeS: He left this note on his bed for me

[ 1 Image: Attached]

AngelAngie: Omg....HE KISSED YOU?!

TuRtLeS: Yes.


PEX2GY: Same...




Eliza's POV

We all got together and began searching for him.

"Let's start at the bar." John said. "Why?" Angie asked. "Because I know Alex very well. I also know where his favorite bar is." "Well then lets go!" Peggy said and then she grabbed my hand and we took off. We entered the bar and looked around. "ALEX? ARE YOU HERE?" We all yelled. No one responded. " Well shit" Herc said, and very loudly.

We continued to look around in Alex's favorite places. He was no where. We were on our way to another place when we realized a limp body on the ground. We called an ambulance right away." We need to help he-him?" They are face down on the concrete. " I know we need to find Alex but we need to help this poor man/woman who seems to be innocuous." said Angie

"Uh-guys..." John said, panicked.

"Just a second John. Anyways we-"

"Guys...!" John said. He sounded even more panicked.

"Just a second John! Anyways the ambulance is on its wa-" "GUYS YOU MIGHT WANNA TAKE A LOOK AT WHO THIS IS!" John said, now tearing up. We all walked over to the body just as the ambulance arrived. " Everyone step back!" Someone from the ambulance yelled. At this point John was crying. I go over to him and try to calm him down. He then started bawling. They came with a stretcher and picked up the body with a hood on. " He still has a pulse!" I hear someone say.They pull the hood down and put a mask on the stranger. I walk closer to the stretcher to see if the stranger is ok. Well he looks in critical condition. Wait...That is not a stranger.

That is Alex.....

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