4 | Eliza....|

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Alex's POV

My last class of the day ended and I headed back to the dorm. "Hey! Alex, is it?" Said a girl in a blue dress. I recognized her from earlier. "Yeah that's me. Um, mind telling me who you are?" I said as we walked. She frowned, "You don't remember me, huh? Well, my name is Elizabeth Schuyler. Just call me Eliza. I am your partner for our class project." She stood in front of me and stuck her hand out for me to shake. I half-smiled and shook her hand. We walked back to my dorm when Eliza got a phone call. "Hang on a sec. Let me take this, Alex." She held her phone to her ear. "Yo, Angie," She said into the phone, "Wait, no, what's wrong with Peggy?! LOVE?! Ok, ok, I'll be home in a minute." She hung up the phone. "I have to go, Alex. Bye." She turned to walk away. "Wait, actually." She pulled a sharpie from her bag and grabbed my arm. "Um, what are you doing, Eliza?" "Writing my number on your arm." She finished and capped the marker. "Did you have to use-" "Sorry Alex, I gotta run. Bye." She ran off. I shook my head and continued walking to my room.

I unlocked the door and opened it. No John. Darn. I went into the kitchen and put some leftover McDonald's into the microwave. An hour later, John, Hercules, and Lafayette walked into the room, laughing. "Hey Alex." Said John. "Hey John.

{A/N: Sorry it was a short chapter!}

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