26|John's Shoes and English Teachers{FINALE PT. 2}

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{A/N: So like I said it would be a while, but I broke my finger during the last week of school in May and was in the process of finishing a soccer season. Also This is the second to last chapter.See ya.}
(One last thing, I absolutely LOVE my English teacher so some of the stuff he does will be in here)

John's POV
This whole week was all about graduation, so I didn't have to worry about really any classes.

Alex was studying for god knows what, Laf is baking cookies for three days straight to prove a point to Peggy, Herc and Angie are trying on clothes at the mall, and Eliza decided all of my shoes look like shit so she needed shine all of them.

Including my sandals.

So here I am.

Doing absolutely nothing.

It's fine. Everything's fine.

(I'm dying on the inside)

"Hey, I'm back from the library." I heard someone say. Thank god it was Alex, because the silence was killing me.

"Welcome back. Did you have fun?" I said, sarcastically.

" Actually I did. I met this nice girl who-"


I got up and slapped him.

Okay, he did what? You don't tell your boyfriend of two (or three) years that you met a WOMAN.

" Well if you would have let me finish, I would have told you that she studied with me because she had no one else to study with. Don't worry though. You're are better looking than her." He said.

"Thank god." I said sarcastically. We both almost fell on the floor laughing.

Ah, I love this man.

Eliza's POV

Okay. So........ I might've ruined John's shoes

But, I bought him some new ones to make up for it..... I think.

This is the last class I will have before I'm a senior in college. I can't believe it.


Holy shit I'm gonna be a senior.

These last three years have flown by! I wish I could say I'm gonna miss this teacher, but I can't. This teacher is an asshole.

My English teacher is a total asshole! It might be horrible to say, but he never grades anything, he tells us about him being a hippie or whatever, and I believe he's homophobic.

So basically this teacher pisses Alex off more than you know.

So I'm just sitting here..... Reading a book. He is talking about our future and stuff.

Like I care about he says.

Alex's POV

I hate everyone and everything.

Herc's POV

"I can't believe it. I've finished all of my classes!" I told Laf. I was so excited! I'm basically a senior!

" Easy for you to say. I still haven't finished. Neither has Alex. We both still have to finish French." He said, crossing his arms.

"Bitch, you have like a 108 in that class. What's the point of going?"

"I have a last minute paper that she asked me to write on how my life was back in France." He said picking up the paper and stapling it.

He gets ALL of this extra credit just because he was born and raised in France. Ugh.

Alex's POV

-Bell Rings-


Eliza's POV


"WHY ELIZA? WHYYYYYYYYYYY!!!! (Good lord Alex calm yourself.)

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