10| The Date |

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Alex's POV

" Alexander, will you go out with me?" I froze. He just asked me on a date. Holy shit..... I really like him. Maybe I should give him a chance. 

" S-sure." I said, my hands shaking.

" A-are you sure?" He said. He obviously knows that I am panicking inside. I tried to sound more confident. "Yes." He nodded. Thank god that was over. I started to calm myself down. John had gone to the store when I FULLY calmed down. I guess since he wasn't here it was easier considering I was panicked over the question HE asked me. John came back in and put the groceries away. " Alex, are you ok?" he asked. He looked concerned. " Yeah, I'm fine. That was just......unexpected." He sighed, then smiled. 

I could tell he was happy I said yes. Maybe this will work out after all. John brought home some beer and began to drink a bottle. I decide to go to bed because the last thing I need is to see a drunk John.

Thomas' POV

It's been a week and I'm still upset that Hamilton was back. Then, I got a text from him.

Piece-Of-Shit: John and I are going out tomorrow night. If I hear you were even in the general direction of our dorm, I will hunt you down, and throw you out of your window, and into the road. Got that?

MacaroniFucker: My god. Someone is in a bad mood today!

Alexander HAMilton: Leave me alone. I barley slept last night.

MacaroniFucker: FIIIINNNNEEEE.....

I look to see James asleep on the couch, with a book covering his face. He was studying for a test we have tomorrow. I.... don't study. It's a waste of time for me!

I walk over to him and carefully pick up the book and close it. He has been studying for this test ever since we heard of it. He started to snore. If anyone can snore, it's James. That's probably why I'm always so tired. Everyday I have at least five coffee's. James questions that. He would never understand. I look at my phone. 11:43 . GREEEAAAATTT. I still have to go to classes tomorrow. At least tomorrow is Friday.

John's POV

 I remember is drinking 4 beers. I wake up with a pounding headache. I'm probably hungover. It's surly not the first time I've been hungover, so I know all of the symptoms. The only different thing is I wake up in a warm bed. I turn over to see something. Then I realized what is was.

It was Alex.....

Oh shit. Well, at least he is warm. I'm silently panicking right now. What do I do? I could just try and get out of bed, but I might wake him up. What if I use pillows to make it seem like me? Apparently during all of my panicking, Alex woke up. 

"U-uh hey John...." He said. He sounded a bit panicky himself. " What happened last night" I asked. Hopefully he had an answer. Thankfully, he did. " I went to bed while you were drinking beer, and then about two hours later I was sleeping when you just came into my room and got in my bed. I knew you were probably drunk, so I tried to go to your room, when you then put your arms around me and I panicked. So t-that's how you ended up in here."

I was shocked. I knew I was drunk, but I didn't think it was that bad. I quickly got out of bed and changed. I went to the fridge to grab an apple when I realized the 6-pack of beer I got yesterday was gone. Well, at least now I know how much I drank last night. Alex got changed and grabbed his books and headed out the door. He was probably going to get coffee. I needed some too, so I followed right behind him. Tonight was the night we were going on that date. Hopefully things go as planned. If this date goes well, we might become more than best friends. I would love to be more than friends. This date will determine it all. I walk to the coffee shop and I order a coffee right as Alex is getting his. " So... Are you ready for tonight?" He asked. " Yeah. I'm a little nervous though." I responded. " It's ok! I am too." and with that, he walked out.

I went to all of my classes, and then went home. I told Alex I would meet him there. I continue to get ready when my phone buzzed. It was Alex.

Alleeeexxxx: Sorry. I'm just now getting out of class. I will meet you there in 20?

Joohhhnnn: Ok. I will see you there!

{Twenty minutes later}

Surprisingly we were already sitting at a table in this new, fancy Italian restaurant. We continued to talk until there was a plate of food in front of me. We were there for about 2 hours before leaving. The date went very well. We were walking back to the dorm when Alex's fingers intertwined with mine. This was it. We were almost back to the dorms when I stopped and turned towards him. He let go of my hand. " John? What's wrong?" He asked. I took both of his hands. " Alex, when I first met you, I knew we would be good friends. I fell in love with you the moment I laid eyes on you. I wanna be with you. Alexander, will you..... be my boyfriend?"

He froze. He wouldn't move. "I-I....... need to...... think about it." He said. "I...... I'm sorry." He pulled his hands back and ran. 

Whatever happened to him tonight was out of shock. But I knew he would make the decision that would be good for the both of us.

Either it would be really good, or really bad. 

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