Chapter Four- Mystery and The Ellen Show

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Chapter Four-  Mystery and The Ellen Show



That’s what is going on around me.

Firstly, Stella and her mystery call and Stella acting weird.

Secondly, some random person leaves the red rose bouquet at my door.

Thirdly, the hoodie guy and when I tell Stella about him, she just smiles.

What is going on?

I want to find answers.

Why do sound like Sherlock Holmes?


Slipping on my shoes, I exit my house and decide to go to Mrs.Evans apartment.

Ringing their doorbell, I wait for them to answer the door. After waiting for like 5 seconds, Mrs. Evans ever smiling face greets me.

“Hi Mrs.Evans.” I greet her smiling.

“Hi Eden honey.” She says smiling.

“Oh Shit!” Someone from the background says.

I peep inside her house and some guy exclaimed and quickly went inside the bedroom, hiding his face and quickly shut the bedroom door.

“Oh honey. That was just my sister’s son. Clumsy boy.” She laughs.

“Oh okay.” I reply nervously.

“Mrs.Evans do you know any guy named Ethan?” I ask suspiciously.

“First come inside sweetie.” Mrs. Evans tells me.

I smile and sit on the sofa which was located in her living room. She had decorated her living room so beautifully.

She hands me a glass of water and sits on the sofa opposite to me.

I take a sip of my water and again question her.

“So Mrs. Evans, do you know any Ethan?” I ask her once again.

“Ethan. That’s my sister’s son. Remember when I told you at the door?” She replied.

“Oh.” I say.

“Why? What’s the matter?” Mrs. Evans asks.

“Actually someone rang the doorbell yesterday and when I opened the door, someone had left a red rose bouquet and then today I asked our building watchman if he knew that person. The watchman replied saying that a person did come with a red rose bouquet at around 8PM and it was Ethan.” I explained.

Mrs. Evans smirked.

Why the hell is everyone smirking?

“Oh but Ethan came at 8PM and that bouquet he had brought for me.” She informed me.

“Oh okay.” I said.

“See it’s over there.” Mrs. Evans said and pointed at a red rose bouquet.

I’m confused.

“Yeah.”  I shrug.

“So can I meet Ethan?” I ask curiously.

“Oh honey I wish. Ethan is a shy kid. That is the reason he quickly went into his bedroom.” She chuckled.

I laughed too.

“Okay Mrs. Evans I’ll see you later.” I said and smiled.

“Bye darling.” Mrs. Evans said.

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