Chapter Fourteen- Broken Friendships and Messed Up Feelings

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Chapter Fourteen – Broken Friendships and Messed Up Feelings


Rubbing my eyes and yawning, I opened my eyes and saw that I was still in the same dress as yesterday and I was sleeping on the sofa.

Mom was nowhere in sight. I stretched my arms and got up. I went upstairs in my room and saw mom and someone unexpected.


“Oh hey! Good morning honey!” Mom said smiling. Why was mom acting like this? I did tell her everything. Yes everything.

“Mom, what is she doing here?” I asked mom and pointed towards the person who used to be my friend.

“Eden.” Mom said sternly. Ok wow, now we are picking sides.

“Eden, I’m sorry about what happened yesterday,I-I-“ Stella stuttered.

“Save it. I don’t have time for this. I have to go for my shower.” I said coldly but inside I was hurting too.

“Eden! Is this the way you talk?” Mom angrily. “Mom it also isn’t the way when you lie to your friends.” I argued.

“Eden, I’m really sorry.” Stella continued. Tears were dropping from her eyes. “Stella, actually I’m sorry, you know? I feel pity for myself that I actually thought we were friends because friends don’t lie to each other. Well best friends.” I shot at her and control my tears to shed.

Walking out, I go downstairs and use the shower which is located downstairs.

“Eden! Wait.” Mom said. “No mom, I don’t want to talk about this. I am done with my actual friends lying to me.” I say and walk into the bathroom. “Eden Marie, we need to talk.” I hear her say.

“Don’t worry sweetie, I’ll talk to her.” I hear mom say too Stella.

Why is my own mom doing this to me?

After brushing my teeth and taking a shower, I changed into my clothes inside the bathroom and exited when I was done.

“Eden, we need to talk.” Mom says while sitting on the couch with a cup of coffee in her hands.

“If it’s about them, then I don’t want to talk ma,” I said. “Eden, honey, just come sit here with me.” She said, this time with softness in her tone.

“Okay.”I agreed. “Do you want coffee or tea?” She asks. “Coffee.”  I reply. “Okay, I’ll bring it.” She said and went into the kitchen.

I sat on the sofa just thinking about everything that has happened.

“I fucking love you.”

This sentence has been repeating in my mind since yesterday. Was he even saying the truth?

Of course not, Eden.


If he fucking loved me, then why the hell would he hurt me like this? Does he like seeing me in pain?

When I admitted that I “loved” him, I was being 100% honest. I still do have feelings for him. I had feelings for him since the 10th grade and they still haven’t faded, even after what happened.


Mom was back with the coffee and she handed me my cup and sat on the sofa.

“Eden, see everyone deserves once chance and-“ “Mom, I know everyone deserves a chance but what if I don’t feel one to give?” I frown.

“Eden, listen to me, clearly on this, okay. If I had never given your Aunt Kacey, then would we be so good with each other and help each other at difficult times?”

“But mom-”

“See Eden, no matter how much you try to avoid, it’s going to come back of you. Life’s a circle honey,” Mom says.

“Fine.” I say. “Now go at least talk to Stella. At least give her a chance to explain.” Mom says and smirks.

“Okay. But where is she?” I ask her. “At Chaz’s place.” Mom replies.

Mom was right. I had to face it. I couldn’t ignore them forever. I had to deal with it like a mature person not a school going girl. I’m 21 for god’s sake.

“Mom I’m going to Chaz’s place.” I yell. “Ok! Take care and best of luck.” Mom yells back and smiles at me.

I take the car keys and hop into the car.

Yes, I can do this. I have to deal with it, like a mature women. I’m not a girl anymore.

But I can’t face Justin. I still need time for that.

What if he is there?

Eden, forget that, focus on Stella, Ryan and Chaz. I was way too rude to Ryan and Chaz. Damn! I always mess up when I am angry.

Well I did have the right to be angry.

After 10 minutes of ride, I reach Chaz’s house and lock the car behind me.

Eden, handle this okay. You can do this.

I go towards the house door and anxiously rang the door. I was growing more and more anxious.

I was about to ring the door bell when someone opened the door.


“Eden!” Justin said surprised.

“Hey. Uh is Stella there?” I asked while not facing him. “Yeah. Come in.” He offered. I walked inside and saw Ryan and Stella sitting on the sofa. Chaz was nowhere in sight.

God? Why is Justin here? He is making difficult for me.

“Eden!” Both Ryan and Stella say in surprise and shock. “Hi! Can I talk to you Stella?” I asked nervously.

“Uh yeah sure.” Stella shrugged. Well this getting awkward. I could see Justin looking at me with an unreadable expression on his face.

“Listen about yesterday, I-I”

“I’m sorry, Eden.” Justin says.

Oh well.


Chapter Fourteen Guys!

I hope y’all liked it :)

Well things are going to get more and more interesting now. Oh my god!


Omg thanks NormauhlBieber aka Chrisy for making this amazing trailer for “Reunion”. I absolutely, t-totally love it omg and I love you too haha.

Guys check out the trailer for “Reunion” on the side.

Thanks once again Chrisy for making it omg.

Thanks for reading y’all :)

Twitter: @ourpunkasskid


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