Chapter Sixteen- "I'm sorry. I can't do this."

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Chapter Sixteen – “I’m sorry. I really can’t do this.”


“So hear it goes,” Justin said.

Yes I was ready. I was ready to hear it all. I wanted to know what he wanted to say and the reason behind this all. I was eager, curious, nervous, scared and what not emotion. I was experiencing all different kind of emotion at same point of time.

By this time, Justin was looking at me with his nervous expression and his forehead was sweating – of nervousness, I guess.

“I’m ready to hear it, Justin.” I say, directly looking in his hazel brown eyes.

“Ye-ah,” Justin stuttered. I looked at him in eagerness to hear what he had to say. I wanted to know his side of story, I mean there must have been a reason to take him this step and hurt my feelings. Everything does happen for a reason, I have learned this fact now. Justin is basically type of a person who would even say sorry to a mosquito if he ever tried to kill them. Seriously!

And I’m 100% sure that he would have a reason to hurt me, his best friend – childhood best friend.

“Continue Justin,” I told him.

“Yeah so uh basically the reason was that –” The door flew open and there Ashley Hunters stood cutting of Justin and saying, “I’ll tell you the reason, Eden.”

Ashley Hunters? Here at Chaz Somers’s house. How? Why? What? When?

Not possible.

This day just keeps getting better and better.


Both I and Justin looked wide eyed at Ashley. I mean, who even called her here? Neither Stella nor Ryan would have called her. Chaz isn’t even in the list because he does hate her with a passion.

“Ashley what are you doing here?” Justin questioned Ashley who was still standing at the door with a serious expression on her face.

“I just want to sort things out,” Ashley said. Wow! Sort things out and Ashley Hunters, definitely not a good mix and actually a weird mix because she is almost all the times the reason behind people’s problems.

This new ‘Ashley Hunters’ is actually very weird to me.

“Who called you hear?” I ask her. “I mean how do you know that I was here.” I continue.

“Chaz.” She reveals. What? Chaz? Joke.

“Chaz?” Both me and Justin ask her in disbelief. “He actually did?” Justin asked.

“Yeah,” Ashley nodded in reply.

Ashley then came inside the room and closed the bedroom door behind her.

“Yeah so….” I trailed off, hinting them to finally break off the reason behind all this. They seem to have taken my hint and Justin started speaking.

“Ok, so this all, I mean, it’s going to sound very weird but I did this because uh –“ Justin stuttered.

“Because he loves you.” Ashley confessed.

Justin gave Ashley a look which I couldn’t figure out.

He did this because he loves me? Yeah right and I’m Beyoncé.

“See, Eden, I-I-“

“You what Justin?” I wanted to know more.

“Eden, I-I loved you and I already knew that I-I had to leave to Atlanta because of my career and,” Justin was admitting it all slowly.

“Basically, it was all like-“ “Ashley, let him speak, please.” I said.

Ashley mumbled an ‘okay’.

“And I knew that I loved you and I-I thought,” Justin continued speaking.

“You thought what, Justin?” I questioned. Basically this all is lot to take in.

Ashley was looking at both of us in complete silence and with a very unknown expression on her face. This was certainly not the Ashley Hunters that I had witnessed during my school days.

“Justin, what is it?” I ask, curious.

“Eden, I-I,”

“You what Justin?” I asked.

“I’m sorry, I really can’t do this,” Justin announces while getting up. I got up and went to stop him.

“Justin, wait! What do you mean by ‘I can’t do this.’. Justin please I need answers dammit!” I sigh in frustration.

“Justin wait!” Ashley too called out. He heard her and stopped.

Wow! Talk about hurting.

I seriously give up now.

Justin did wait but didn’t listen to me or Ashley and  stromed off downstairs and left without a word.

“What happened?” All three of my friends, Ryan, Chaz and Stella asked in unison.

“I really don’t know.” I said looking at all 3 of them. I really don’t know what happened. What does he even mean by ‘I am sorry but I really can’t do this!”, I mean this should have been my words.

“Did she do something?” Stella asked while pointing towards Ashley and glaring at her.

I shook my head in reply and both Stella and Ashley were having a glaring war.

Ryan coughed to make it less awkward and Stella just looked at me and Stella looked down at the floor.

“Why would he even leave?” Chaz asked while his hand on his forehead and then brushing his hair.

“He just said that, ‘I’m sorry and I can’t do this.’” Ashley told everyone.

“Oh,” Ryan said. “Should I call him?” Ryan asked.

All of us nodded our heads and Ryan took out his phone from his jeans pocket and dialed Justin’s mobile number.

“Not picking up.” Ryan sighed. “Wait I’ll try.” Chaz said.

“Not picking up mine either!” Chaz announced. “Damn!”

Ashley was doing something in her phone and had a blank expression on her face.

“So what do we do now?” Chaz asked. “Do you want us to tell you the actual truth?” Stella asked looking at me. All 4 of them were looking at me for a reply.

No, I have to find out my answers from Justin. He had done this so I wanted truth from him. He basically a part as a reason but I needed the whole. I only wanted Justin to tell me.

I was absolutely so sure about this.

“No! Justin will tell me.” I answered.


Chapter Sixteen Guys!

I hope y’all liked it :)

So about this chapter, why do you think Justin left? And I really think Eden is right about know things from Justin because basically things had happened between her and Justin, so obviously she needed her answers from him.

Btw do y’all ship #Jeden? Because I surely do hehe!

Thanks for reading fellas!

Twitter: @foreignbiebers(I know once again a new user haha!)


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