Chapter Twenty Eight- "So why do I get nervous every time you walk by.."

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Chapter Twenty Eight – “So why do I get nervous every time you walk by.."


When they say that cherish every single moment in your life they are hell lot of serious. My jaw was literally on the floor because of the sight in front of me.

A sudden voice made me shock and drew my attention towards it. Fireworks started bursting and trust me, it was the most beautiful sight in the world.

My eyes widened as I saw “I Love You Eden” in the form of fireworks in the sky. Who could have done this for me?


 As soon as I admired the sky, a familiar tune started playing. I looked down and saw a boy in a blue tee sitting on a stool and playing his acoustic guitar.

The boy looked at me and smiled at me.

Saying I was shocked to see the boy’s face would be an understatement.

It was Justin.

As cliché as it looked, I loved it. I loved cliché romances. No matter how much I taunt Stella about watching those cliché scenes in romantic movies, I was a sucker for them too.

“The sun comes up on another morning
My mind never wakes up without you on it
And it's crazy to me, I even see you in my dreams
Is this meant to be?
Could this be happening to me?”

Justin starts singing. Him singing “Catching Feelings” for me that too me standing in the balcony makes it even more special. He was singing his heart out and I couldn’t but blush.

We were best of friends since we were this high
So why do I get nervous every time you walk by
We would be on the phone all day
Now I can't find the words to say to you
Now what am I supposed to do

Justin was smiling when he sang that part and I did too. It was the truth that we used to talk on the phone all day and I didn’t talk to Stella on the phone as much as I spoke to him. He was my teenage dream and he is still my dream and my crush.

I giggled at the memory.

Could it be a possibility, I'm trying to say what's up
Cause were me for you, and you for me, baby now it’s time for us
Trying to keep it all together but enough is enough
They say we're too young for love
But I'm catching feelings, catching feelings

I looked at him lovingly and he did too. We were having an eye to eye conversation and it was special than how we converse normally. It was special.

And at that moment, I finally realized that I did love Justin with all my heart.

In my head we're already together
I'm good alone, but with you I'm better
I just want to see you smile
You say the word and I'll be right there
I ain't never going nowhere

These lines basically described my whole life. In my head, I did imagine us together and yes all I wanted him to be happy in his life and always keep that adorable and precious smile of his on his face.

I'm just trying to see where this can take us
Cause everything about you girl is so contagious
I think I finally got it done
Now what’s left to do now, let’s get out the mirror
And say it to her

I smiled ear to ear at the way he was singing the song for me, that too my favorite song. Justin was smiling too.

All these memories were coming back to my mind and Justin singing, let me tell you this was the most amazing and precious day of my life

Could it be a possibility, I'm trying to say what's up
Cause were me for you, and you for me, baby now it’s time for us,
Trying to keep it all together but enough is enough
They say we're too young for love
But I'm catching feelings, catching feelings

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