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My typical mornings are composed of my Uncle Snape's constant banging on my door and my dog, Snow licking my face every single morning of my life. This routine happened since my mother left to marry the last heir of the Avery's leaving me behind with my grumpy uncle.

That was 10 years ago. While I was still a mere 5 year old.

My father? Well you already know about James Potter right? He died when he tried to stop Voldemort from harming my half brother who was younger than me by months. Yep, you heard it right, my father was drunk when he made love with my mother not knowing he got her pregnant. I bet he doesn't even know her for the love of Merlin.

I can say that I was pretty close to Snape, except for the fact that sometimes he remembers that I was James' daughter and snaps at me most of the times. Well, I can't blame him, he loved Lily as much as James does, and he cannot forgive James for cheating on Lily with his twin sister. I remember mum telling me that Snape's reaction was priceless when he found out who was my father. He was muttering 'Potter of all the guys around you Sabina, you still chose to bang Potter.' And I can say that I still laugh at mum's story whenever I remember it.

I am a student at 5th year student Hogwarts, a Slytherin of course, don't worry though, we're not evil like many of them say. A lot of people now a days can be stereotypical. And I'm not of judging people by their houses. Shocked that a Slytherin herself said it?

My life at Hogwarts is pretty much normal. I stay away from Harry Potter's business, Draco Malfoy's business, even the Weasley Twins pranks. I may be known to them but never did they know that I was Harry's half sister. They just thought that Snape was my father, even though he's just an uncle. Though my life was pretty much normal and fun, I was pretty envious at my brother for having a lot of adventures, but I'm pretty much contented with my life too.

"Good morning grumpy head" I greeted my uncle with a cheeky smirk plastered on my lips. I sat in front of him and grabbed my sandwich which he made. And to be honest, Severus is a great cook.

"Do you have all of your trunks ready?" He asked while he sipped his tea.

"Ready as always. Can you please tell me now who's the new Dark Defense the Dark Arts teacher? Is it you?" I begged.

"No." He answered plainly looking at his watch "We ought to go now Sadie." I sighed finishing my breakfast. I grabbed my trunk and my owl Saffy, then said good bye to my lovely Snow, and we're off to platform 9 and 3/4.

As typical, when we reached the station, I was buzzing to enter Hogwarts express. Once I've reached the platforms 9 and 10, I already knew that another chapter of my life will be happening soon enough.

"I'll see you soon enough Saddie." Said Snape, I looked at him and smiled widely

"I'll see you there Severus, Good bye." I waved at him good bye as I took a deep breath and ran past the platforms 9 and 10.

There I was in platforms 9 and 3/4. The mighty Hogwarts Express standing before me as students rushed to get in and saying their good byes to their parents. I smiled pushing past through the sea of people and getting on the train.

"Sadie! Sadie! Over here!!" I heard my friend Misty Wroblebitz yelled. I turned around and squealed running towards her. I hugged her tightly burrying my head over her neck. I have missed my friend so much and I don't have the words to explain how much I do.

"Misty! I missed you so much! You haven't changed at all! Look at you, you're still charming as ever." I exclaimed smiling at her. She smiled back her brown eyes twinkling from delight

"Oh Sadie! I missed you too! You hardly changed too, except you've grown taller over the summer of course!" Misty said and stared at my face "You looked uglier though."

"Hey!" I said glaring at her and folded my arms. She punched my shoulders lightly and laughed saying that she was kidding.

"Come on, let's just find us some seats." She said while she was still laughing at my reaction. I rolled my eyes and dragged myself to find some cabin.

Few minutes later, we've found ourselves some cabin, along with our other friend, Jaycee Smith. She was in Ravenclaw, but that didn't stop us from being friends. The three of us told our stories from what happened last summer, and it seems like I had the least fun vacation this summer.

I spent my time in the Order, yes. Severus works there as a spy and I hate the fact that he also serves the dark lord. So he sent me to Mrs. Weasley. And I didn't had fun, I wasn't close to them, I spent my whole summer locked down in my own room.

"Why didn't you spent your summer at the Avery's?" Misty asked while she was polishing her nails.

"You know they're both hiding me from you know who..." I answered sighing "I've got no choice but to stay hidden."

"Why? How about your fath-"

"He's dead remember?" Jaycee butts in, Misty pursed her lips and mutters that she forgot.

"You never told us who is he anyways."

"To be honest with you guys. I never knew. That's why I don't tell." I answered shortly and looked away. It was already dark and I was already expecting that we'll be arriving at Hogwarts soon.

"Better get changed then!" I said happily as I grabbed my Slytherin robes and proceeded to the comfort room with Jaycee and Misty following from behind.

"Hey watch it!" Misty shouted from behind. I turned around and saw Pansy Parkinson swaggering her way towards the comfort room too.

"Out of the way! I'm coming through!" Pansy shouted pushing Jaycee as she past her by.

"Who do you think you are Pansy?" I sneered shoving her back as she tried to push me

"Well, isn't it little Miss Prefect?" She spat rolling her eyes at me "Just because you're a prefect doesn't mean I have to respect you!"

"Oh just because you're uglier than me that doesn't mean your attitude should be ugly too. Move the fuck out Pansy." I sneered as everyone in the hallway became quiet as I spoke. Even Pansy was speechless as I proceeded in the Comfort Rooms to change.

I hope this would be a very good year.

Soon, we have arrived the carriages and as usual, the three of us sat together as it took us into Hogwarts. I was smiling widely, knowing that I would be home soon. I've treated Hogwarts just like my home. I'm in love with its everything since I first laid my eyes on Hogwarts.

"I'm so bloody excited." I squealed hugging Jaycee who laughed hugging me back

"I know, me too; though everything wouldn't be as normal as before since Cedric died.." Jaycee said frowning. I sighed hugging her tightly. I know its been rough for Jaycee since she was best friends with Cedric since she was 6 years old. The two of them were attached to each other, until Cedric tragically died last year.

"We're here for you, you know" I stated ruffling her hair "We'll make you happy like how he did, he'a happy up there."

"I hope so" Jaycee sniffed "I miss him so much." She whispered wiping her tears away

I also hope that this school year will turn out to be normal

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