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Three weeks had passed by and still no sign of Potter doing his dirty job along with his friends. I was getting a hang of being one of the inquisitorial squad. Sending off ridiculous amount of points from Gryffindor. Well, it was reasonable since all of them were rebellious with Umbridge's rules. Draco was also in the inquisitorial squad and he was the nosiest of us all in Potter's little gang.

"If I ever catch those fools I swear on my grandpa's grave that I'll give them a year detention with Umbridge" Adrian Pucey bragged in the Slytherin table while all of us were eating breakfast. I rolled my eyes and proceeded to eat peacefully in the corner with Misty.

"Might as well get them all expelled." Blaise added. Everyone in the table agreed

"Especially that nasty Potter, all he wants is glory and fame what an ass." Misty added. I shook my head smirking. It was true, all he did in the past years here in Hogwarts was to show off.

"I second that!" I said.

Soon, everyone left the table and proceeded in their own respective classes. I was taking charms in my first period while Misty was stuck in Care of Magical Creatures. I was bummed that I was going alone in this subject.

"Hey! Sadie wait up!" I turned around to see Adrian zooming towards me. I smiled at him and asked what's up.

"You're taking charms right? I should join you since I'm having charms class too."

"Really? I thought I was going alone! I'm glad I have someone to go in this awful class" I said patting his back and motioning him to walk with me.

We soon entered class and sat beside each other. We have five minutes until time and the class was soon filling up. We were talking about the upcoming season of quidditch next week and yes we were much pretty much excited about it. Flitwick entered the classroom momentarily but we didn't mind him and continued to mind our own business

"I can't wait to beat every single one of them asses. I swear we'll win this season!" Adrian whispered to me

"Sure score as much as you want. We work perfectly as a team and I hope Malfoy gets to see the Snitch before Potter does this time." I said looking over at Malfoy who was just staring at his paper. He soon turned around and looked at Adrian and I who was staring at him carefully. He just glared at us and minded his own business

"He's such a miserable lad isn't he?" Adrian chuckled

"He is." I was shocked when Malfoy's hands banged his desk loudly causing a distraction in our classroom

"Can you not fucking talk about me behind my back?" He snapped at the both of us. I just stared at him intimately raising my eyebrow

"We weren't. You're just high as hell Malfoy." Adrian sniggered

"Oh yeah? What a miserable lad isn't he?'" Malfoy said sarcastically "Next time keep your obnoxious voices down so that no one can hear you."

"Mr. Malfoy, Mr. Pucey we are having a class here" Flitwick said warning them both

"Hell I don't give a damn in your class!" Malfoy groaned at him and turned back his attention towards us "Watch it Pucey, you too Snape you think you're someone who's privileged because your uncle is our head house? No you are not."

"I never though of that to myself Malfoy, you're insecure that my uncle is Snape aren't you?" I teased. If looks could kill, hell I am already dead because of Malfoy's deathly glare.

"As if, Snape. I suggest you better watch your back and you won't see me coming at you." He warned

"I don't care Malfoy." I spat. "I'm not afraid of you." Malfoy rolled his eyes and stormed out of the classroom leaving everyone speechless. Soon everyone went back to their normal business and the class went on without Malfoy.

"Ms. Snape? Snape wants to see you in his office, immediately." Professor McGonagall stated once we finished transfiguration with her. I was packing up my things as quickly as possible.

As I was about to turn to Snape's office I bumped into someone making me lose my balance and plopped into the floor harshly

"Watch it!" The guy snapped at me

"Wow, instead of saying I'm sorry for not looking at your directions you say watch it?" I snarled at him

"You were the one hurrying off!"

"As if, Malfoy. Get out of the way you scrawny ass!" I stood up and slammed the door behind me making my way towards my uncle

"What happened between you and Malfoy back in Charms?" Snape questioned

"He was just over reacting." I stated

"Eleanor you are supposed to tutor him, not bully him."

"I wasn't even bullying him! I was just agreeing to-"

"Still." Snape said sternly. I sighed in defeat glaring at him as I crossed my arms.

"He even bumped me in the hallway and didn't said sorry." I seethed rolling my eyes "All he did was to complain."

"You have to understand your current situation." Snape advised. Wow just wow. What a great advise from your own uncle give him a round of applause everyone.

"I hate this situation! I was so much happier when I didn't make any forms of communications with him! It's only been months but hell yeah it's killing me!" I reasoned. Some tears falling in my eyes

"You have to live in this world now, Eleanor." Snape said "He won't know your secrets don't worry." I wiped the tears away and stared at the bottles of ingredients.

"Fine, as long as you keep him on his bloody line." I said storming away from the office and slammed the door shut.

I've never been so stressed with my life. For the love of Merlin. I wish this ends soon or else I'm going to strangle myself. The day was pretty much slow too. The only thing I remember was Adrian asking me to work with his essay on charms and Misty who is complaining about Hagrid making them feed flobberworms during lunch time. I didn't do anything yet I feel so damn tired. Good thing I haven't seen Malfoy for the rest or he'll start to taunt me again. Oh that awful piece of scum.

I was already at the Common Room doing the work with Adrian when Malfoy barged in and acting all weirdly. Oh for Merlin's sake I thought I was not going to see him again. He plopped at the couch and dug into his bag giving me some parchment and a quill.

I looked at him questioningly. He rolled his eyes and shoved it into my arms

"Make me an essay too." He demanded

"Excuse me but I am not one of your cronies who'll do all the work for you." I scoffed shoving back his parchments and quill returning back to my charms essay.

"I'll pay you."

"I don't need no one's money, I got my own." I stated not shifting my attention to him. Adrian was also focused on his paper but he was annoyed that Malfoy was bugging us.


"Do it your own. You're not stupid enough aren't you? You got your own brain or did it leave because you don't even use it?" I said sternly raising my eyebrows. Malfoy's face turned hot red his fists crumpling the parchment. I was afraid for a few seconds but I just glared at him and didn't mind him. He soon stood up and grabbed my essay and tossed it into the fire.

"How could you!" I screamed standing up to him. He was smirking at me proud at what he had done. Tears were forming in my eyes from anger. I was so mad that I didn't know what I was about to do. I just heard a loud crack and Malfoy was on the ground, his nose was bleeding. He burned my 4 paged essay that I worked so hard on. In a second every hard work that I have done was gone. It was already in the ashes and I couldn't save it.

"Stay away from me!" I yelled at him. He looked at me his eyes wide in fear as I stormed out of the common room and proceeded in my dormitory. Misty was still up but I didn't heard what she was saying. Everything was blurry and I just plopped in my bed and cried. Swishing my wand to close the curtains in my bed.

This day was one of the worst days of my life.

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