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The next day, everyone in the Common Room gathered around in the bulletin board. Most of them were excited saying that Hogwarts was finally going to change for the better. Sadie hoped that Dumbledore had already returned and decided to fire Umbridge for the rest of the semester, but once she got sight of the announcement all the colors in her face was drained.

Educational Decree no.119
Dolores Jane Umbridge has replaced Albus Dumbledore as Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

"This can't be." She gaped at her friends who were also shocked about the announcement.

"Yes it is. She had successfully over thrown Dumbledore as headmaster." Adrian groaned in dismay. "I hate her."

"You're not the only one you know." Misty says patting Adrian's back.

The three begrudgingly went out of their Common Room. Sadie shuddered once they have exited the passage way. Hogwarts had a new weird ambiance that she didn't liked. Every day was a cheery and peaceful day were lights were filled in Hogwarts. Today? It was gloomy, it was like Hogwarts had a monotone day today. No one was speaking, no one was laughing in the halls. Only sad smiles and hush conversations were heard while they walked pass by. Once they arrived the Great Hall. Her eyes wandered at the Staffs table, Umbridge looked pleased as she sat at the Headmaster's chair in the middle of the staffs table. She looks at her in disgust before proceeding to sit at their tables. Slytherins were the only ones smiling. Especially Draco who looked extremely nice and happy today which was kind of unusual.

"Having a great day ahead, El?" He chirped happily.

Sadie blinked. "Most likely."

"You look pale, like you've seen a ghost. What's wrong with you?" Draco worriedly asks at her. She ignored him as she took out some bread placing it in her plate.

"Even the bread looks depressed." She uttered nibbling on the bread.

"Are you sick? You're really acting weird today."

"You're the one acting all weird with those smiles plastered around your face all day as if you won the daily wizard bet." She snaps at him rolling her eyes.

"You don't need to be snappy with me, El." Draco worriedly says.

She sighed not wanting to talk to Draco at the moment. How come Draco was cheery with Umbridge as the headmaster. He was unpredictable, first he was despising Umbridge because she hated her and the next day Draco was already fawning over her praising her like she was the woman version of Merlin. Ugh. As if she was. Sadie shivered at the disgusting thought she had.

She glanced at the Gryffindor's. Harry also had his head hung low along with Weasley and Granger. She stared at them for awhile thinking what Umbridge would do to them in their detention.

"O.W.L.s are approaching we've got 1 more week left before O.W.Ls" Adrian worriedly says while he looks at them in horror. Sadie shook her head scoffing at Adrian.

"We know, we've been studying. All you did was to stare at the walls not giving a damn and bragging that you'd do well without reviewing." Misty shot at him. Adrian turned beet red narrowing his eyes at Misty.

"Oh now don't give me that murderous looks. I'm just telling them what you've said when we were in the Common Room." Misty told him.

"Hey careful not to put yourself in detentions. Especially you, Snape." Pansy intervened. "I heard FIlch is trying to get Professor Umbridge to bring back the old punishments."

Sadie scoffed rolliing her eyes at Pansy. "Oh really? I could put you in detention before you could even hex me Parkinson, I'll let Filch know you're willing to spend detention with him with his old punishment."

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