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Christmas break has already began, it was already a dreadful Christmas break to Sadie, she first spent her time in Hogwarts, then later on, Snape had requested her to join him during the break, having no idea what was about to happen.

Christmas came in and when she went down, there were five presents waiting for her. Two from her mum, one from Damon, one from Draco, and one from her Uncle. She smiled thanking her Uncle from his gift, which was a potions book and some handful ingredients that she could use to make potions.

"I know you'll love it, Sadie. I know you and Malfoy had been running around after hours brewing potions together." Sadie's eyes widened at his statement. She opened her mouth to say something but words didn't find their way out of her mouth.

"I am your head of house, you should remember that especially you are my niece, Sadie." Snape smirked at his Niece who blushed furiously

"I know that Uncle, Happy Christmas, here's your gift." She said handing him an expensive quill that he could use. After he thanked her, Sadie gathered her gifts and opened it from her room.

She got a lovely jacket and a brand new shoe from her Mother, a new Bracelet from Damon, and a Necklace from Draco. A Necklace that formed the constellation Draco.

Inside the package was a neatly written letter from Draco.

Near or far, I'll always be there beside you. Just look up into the sky, or if it's morning, look at your necklace. Whatever happens, I'll bring comfort. Always. Happy Christmas


Sadie's heart fluttered with Draco's words. She immediately called her owl and attached the gift she bought for him along with her little message

I bet this costs a fortune, thank you Draco, even if mine's as not as fancy as yours, I hope you'll like this. Happy Christmas!


After she nipped her owl, the owl flew towards the sky vanishing like a little dot.

"Sadie." Snape entered her room, she looked at him curiously before he offered his hand. She already knew it was time for them to go to the 12 Grimmauld Place.

She sadly accepted his hand as they apparated to the front steps on no. 12 Grimmauld Place.

"Severus, are you sure what you are planning right now will work out fine?" She asks, Snape ignores her. When Grimmauld place appears right in-front of them, they discreetly entered

"I have planned this a while back. Besides from us, someone knows who you are. I believe you're going to talk to him now." Sadie heard some footsteps and turned her attention towards the guy who was standing right in-front of them. A curly haired man with dashing blue eyes. Sirius Black.

"Sirius Black." Severus and Sadie said coldly their brown eyes piercing through Sirius Black's blue ones. Sirius smirked looking straight towards Sadie.

"I know who you are, Sadie Potter."

Sadie gulped stepping backwards and hiding a little at her uncle's back. She admitted that she was scared on what's going to happen and why did he know such thing? She mentally slapped herself. of course he knows, he is the best friend of James Potter or Severus Snape had told him so.

"Possibly because you are the best friend of James Potter, Sirius" Sadie said with all of her confidence. Sirius smiled at her

"Good thing you know, now shall we discuss this inside a private room?" he asks. Sadie looks ups to Severus who motioned her to go. She took a deep sigh and followed Sirius Black upstairs, leaving her Uncle behind.

they entered a room where a family tree was permanently placed into the walls. Some of the pictures had been burned down. Her eyes wandered over the picture of Narcissa Malfoy and Lucius Malfoy. She was a Black before and she didn't knew it. below their picture was Draco Malfoy. she smiled seeing the guy who makes her happy.

"I see you have a crush on my nephew right there." Sirius teased causing Sadie to glare at him.

"I did not came here to talk about my relationship status with Draco, Sirius. Now, what do you want to say?" She asks. Sirius pursed his lips looking towards the window before he answered her question.

"James told me he messed up 15 years ago. That he made love with your mother. He cried his eyes out to me. Never did he told Remus because Remus and Lily.. they were pretty much inseparable and it would hurt Remus to know that James had cheated. We never told anyone, confident enough that he did not managed to get Sabina pregnant. But a letter came into our front steps. A letter from your Mother. I took it and showed it to James. He burned the letter into pieces. I was so mad at him that I punched him. I know that my friend is literally an ass but I thought he would never do such thing. So, I went to your mother and explained everything. I helped her out, when she got you, I was there. I raised you like You were my own. Until one faithful night, the day they died and I was wrongfully accused of murder. I wanted to reach out, but when you came here last summer, all grown up. I wanted to hug you. But I know your mother never told you about me, because it would blow the secret away. But I think the time is right that everyone should know." Sirius said sighing once he finished. Sadie stood in her place with her mouth agape. She cannot feel anything but emptiness. Her heart sank deep in her chest when she knew Sirius' story.

"Sirius, I hope this is the truth.." Sadie whispered looking straight into his eyes as she blinked the tears away

"This is the truth, Sadie. I'm so sorry, come here you precious little one." Sirius cooed. Sadie couldn't help it but ran straight into Sirius's arms. She just wanted the heavy feeling to go away. Knowing his dad was a real douche bag and knowing her mother hid the fact that Sirius black took care of her.

"Oh no oh no, don't cry darling. Snivellus and I would not leave you." Sirius cooed. Sadie choked a little hearing the word 'Snivellus' never did she know that Sirius mocked her Uncle like that

"That's it, smile now Sadie. You've grown into a very beautiful girl haven't you?" Sadie smiled at Sirius who was wiping her tears away

"I didn't." She mumbled

"You did, except the fact that you always bully your brother and his friends." Sirius winked at her. She felt her cheeks became hot at his words and looked away

"I really don't like them, I-"

"I know, you're the complete opposite of him." Sirius smiled at her. She frowned knowing that her Slytherin self was too atrocious that Sirius' words stung

"In a good way. Alright? You're independent, a bright witch that knows almost everything around her. But he's not like you. He's the chosen one, and you're the key for Voldemort's defeat." She scrunched her nose a little in Sirius' blacks words

"Severus said that to me a couple of weeks ago, what does that mean?" She asks curiously

"You and Harry will be the end of Voldemort. You have the brains and he is valiant. That's why we have to tell him sooner about you."


"He has to. He deserves to know, Sadie. Do you want me to talk to him first?" Sirius asked. Sadie took in a deep breath looking at Sirius

"I don't know the point, everyone would just tease me. He would tell it to his friends and there goes my secret." She mumbled frowning at Sirius. Sirius smiled softly at her, holding her chin.

"I'll do my best to tell Harry to keep it a secret. I'm glad if you threatened him a little to shut his little mouth." Sirius joked. Sadie chuckled wiping the tears that were still on her cheeks

"Alright, but can I not speak to him after?" She asked

"You have to talk to him. Alright? He's your-"

"Brother-Half brother, yeah. Alright just promise me Sirius things would still be the way it is. That this secret would be discreet to the magical world."

"I promise you that, Sadie."

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