It wasn't bad, to be honest, to tutor Malfoy. he wasn't a bad wizard at all, he had intelligence within him. I was pretty astonished with him because of it.

We both decided that we should meet each other every other day and every afternoon in the weekends. I didn't know why I really agreed, I still think I was bluffing but a part of me says that I am not. Misty and Jaycee was also shocked with what I have told them and practically my uncle Severus who thought I did not wanted anything to do with Malfoy. It had it's ups and downs too. Having Malfoy around means free treats in Honeydukes every weekends and also having Pansy Parkinson throwing tantrums at me whenever I was near her. Good thing I was able to shut her out calmly every single encounter with her. Or else I might have lost my shits and hexed her to death, which may happen in the near future if she didn't stopped.

"So how's your date with Malfoy?" I almost choked at the steak that I was eating in lunch time with Misty's question. A few people turned around to see if I was okay but I ignored them completely

"I am not dating him. Just tutoring him." I scowled at her rolling my eyes. "Geez, you're putting up an issue, if Parkinson jumps at me again, I'll sue you." I threatened her she chuckled shaking her head in defeat

"Hey" Blaise suddenly sat beside me I nodded at him acknowledging him, same as Misty, she acknowledged her by smiling at him

"Hey Blaise, what's up?" I aksed

"I was wondering if you would like to join the inquisitorial squad." Blaise asked

"Inquisi-what?" I asked curiously. Blaise sighed deeply

"It's inquisitorial squad. We have every privileges in that squad , from deducting points up to putting them to detentions even a nice pin to top it off, Umbridge decided to form this squad because everyone thinks that Potter is up to something that soon enough-"

"I'm in." I said flatly, Blaise looked at me unbelievingly

"You didn't even let me finish." He said

"I don't care, as long as I want to catch Potter and his stupid cronies, I'm in." Blaise had a smirk playing at his lips. He shook my hand and welcomed me to the team. Even if I didn't want Umbridge since she is an old hag, I was born to catch Potter and his friends who's having secret organisations. Blaise told me to attend the meeting at Umbridge's office at 7 pm sharp and he would inform her that I was willing to join along with my friend Misty.

"Hey, I thought you previously dated Fred Weasley?" Blaise suddenly wondered. I looked at him in disbelief, how did he know such information? That relationship with Fred was strictly a secret

"What?" I asked pretending not to know

"I saw you two last year, holding hands and acting all lovey dovey at the Three broomsticks." I was about to lose it but I just played it cool, looking at Blaise at disbelief

"Uh, maybe you should check my dating status, I never had dated anyone in Gryffindor. Hell even a Weasley? You serious about that?" I said snapping at him. Blaise took the bait and blushed furiously

"I'm sorry, maybe it wasn't you. Sorry for being random." He said laughing

"Oh I like random personalities you know" Misty butted in

"Hem hem, boys and girls aren't allowed to be within 6 inches apart, Mr. Zabini if you just remember." Umbridge said popping in front of us

"I'm sorry Professor, I was just asking her to join our squad and she approved" Umbridge looked at me pleasantly and I plastered a fake smile.

"Wonderful! I'll see you later dear!" She said happily and strutted off the distance.

We entered Double potions and Snape was already fussing because most of his students got a D, and he wasn't pretty happy about it because the homework he gave last night was what we should be expecting during exams

"The general standard of this homework was abysmal. Most of you would have failed had this been your examination. I expect to see a great deal more effort for this week's essay on the various varieties of venom antidotes, or I shall have to start handing out detentions to those dunces who get a "D" He smirked

Malfoy sniggered and said in a carrying whisper to me, "Some people got a D? Ha!"

I pinched in discreetly which made him jump. He was shocked because it was the first time that I did that to him. I was still bummed because I got assigned as his seat mate since Snape found out that I was tutoring him.

"Shut up. Will you?" I asked him "I'm trying to listen."

Malfoy mimicked me rolling his eyes. I slammed my fists into the table grabbing everyone's attention. Malfoy looked at me smirking showing that he wasn't afraid of me

"Miserable sod." I spat at him. Malfoy was still smirking at me while Snape was there just looking

"Ms. Snape, I suggest that you-"

"Crazy witch." Malfoy muttered. I was calming myself but I couldn't help it, I punched Malfoy square into his face. He yelped like a little boy asking help for his mother

"Son of a bitch." I spat at his face. A sneer was plastered to my face showing how annoyed I was to him.

"Ms. Snape!" Severus snapped at me "You shouldn't hit your own classmate! detention for a whole week!" I rolled my eyes and ignored my uncle. The whole class was still looking at me, shocked on what has happened.

Malfoy on the other hand, crawled back to his seat clutching on his nose.

"I swear my father would hear about this!" He snapped at me

"I would careless, cry baby." I taunted smirking at him.

"I am not a cry baby you little-" Malfoy was about to slap me when Severus grabbed Malfoy's hands stopping him at mid air.

"Detention for two weeks, Malfoy." Severus said sternly "How dare you try to hit your own school mate who is a girl? do you have the guts to be expelled?" Malfoy looked down, blood was still dripping from his nose. I watched in pleasure as Malfoy was being humiliated

"I'll see you after class." Severus said staring at Malfoy icily before dropping his hands and continued his class.

"I heard what happened back there at potions." Misty said catching up with my pace

"Yeah what did you hear?" I asked

"You hit Malfoy straight into the face and he also tried to hit you?! Unbelievable!" Misty almost shrieked. I shut her down not wanting any detention or whatever with Umbridge.

"Yeah so what? I won. He can't fight back when Severus is around. Besides I have more power than him."

"He's in the inquisitorial squad remember? He has more power than you."

"Guess what Misty? We're also going to be in that squad, Umbridge will be expecting us before dinner time. I'm delighted to have a war with Draco soon."


As Umbridge had said, we went to her office before dinner time. We entered her office and the strong feminine perfume that she was using engulfed us, I looked around and I thought that I was in a living nightmare. The walls were pure pink making me cringe. Hundreds kittens meowed in their plates as we entered, some hissed and some purred.

"I think I just walked down to hell." I whispered to Misty

"Oh hell you did." Misty whispered back. The both of us snickered

Soon, more and more Slytherins entered. I was shocked since only Slytherins were invited and not even a single house besides Slytherin was there.

"Good evening children! I am honoured, so honoured to have you here with me" She smiled delightedly. I plastered a smile on my face. Damn this is going to be a hell of a school year

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