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Hogwarts was becoming dull ever since Umbridge slapped everyone in Hogwarts with her Educational Decrees. Everyone was scared to get detention with her. Especially because it was rumoured that she was making the students write with Blood quills.

"Potter! I said transform the cup into a candle! Not melt the cup!" McGonagall snapped at Potter. The Slytherins sniggered at him. Potter was already blushing furiously muttering a quick sorry to McGonagall

"Too bad he paired up with good for nothing Longbottom" Draco sneered. I chuckled looking at the both of them trying hard to make the cup into a candle.

Draco was wonderful at transfiguration. I admit that he was better than me in transfiguration. He was acing this subject which makes Hermione furious with him.

"You're such a show off!" I told him rolling my eyes when he turns the cup into a candle and back to a cup and to a candle again.

"I can't believe that sucker is your brother" He whispered. I shivered at his words

"Please let's not talk about it here." I pleaded him

"No, I mean you both are opposites of each other and I'm glad that you trusted me with your secret."

When the subject ended. I exited the classroom with Draco. He bid me good bye when he walked into Care of Magical Creatures while I was with Misty and Adrian for Herbology.

We were working today with a plant called fanged geranium. It had a set of sharp teeth making me spooked at it's appearance

"Don't tell me we're going to touch that and do practical exams with that monster in our OWLs." Misty stated. I pursed my lips shivering at the plant while Sprout was teaching how to handle the plant properly

"Professor? Are you trying to kill us with these plants?" Adrian complained pointing over to the fanged geranium. Professor Sprout rolled her eyes at him

"You'll kill yourself in the process if you don't stop whining about it." The rest of the class sniggered at him

"The fanged geranium is useful in potion making. It's fangs are used in making potions or in cooking. Now shall we proceed on how we would work on this plants?" Everyone nodded their heads as professor Sprout showed everyone how to handle the plant.

"Ow! It bit me!" I hissed in pain backing away from the plant. Professor Sprout hurriedly aided me looking at my finger

"Oh dear, don't worry. It's just a bite but It'll be sore for hours. No harm done but I suggest you should sit down for the rest of the class or go to the hospital wing to drink some pain relief." I smiled at her weakly mumbling a soft thank you.

"Can I escort her to the hospital wing professor?" Misty volunteered looking at me worriedly

"She can handle her own, right Ms. Snape?" Sprout smiled at me warmly. I nodded my head in answer.

"I'm fine by here, I'll go to the hospital wing later." I said softly. Misty looked at me and smiled knowing that I was okay

"How deep is the bite?" Adrian asked curiously snatching my hand from me

"Ow! Adrian what the fuck! It hurts!" I snapped at him tugging my hand back. He mumbled a quick sorry before carefully inspecting my hand again.

"It's deep." Misty said. Adrian agreed

"I would've loved it if that thing chomped the rest of your hand." I heard Ron Weasley sniggered. Adrian was already up in his seat grabbing Ron's hand and fed it into the fanged geranium. Ron shouted while Misty and I pulled Adrian away from Ron

"Oh I'd love to see your hand being chomped down first Weasel." Adrian spat "Too bad it almost got you."

"Stop this ruckus!" Professor Sprout yelled "Pucey! Out! Detention for 3 days!" She pointed through the door ushering Adrian to leave the room.

"This isn't over Weasley." He gave him one final glare before storming out of the room. Weasley was still clutching at his hand groaning in pain while Granger and Potter aided him.

"What are you staring at Potter? Want your hand to be next in line?" I spat at him. He glared at me focusing his attention back to Weasley

"Snape!" Our professor looked at me disapprovingly.

The class ended soon enough and whilst returning to the castle. I bumped into the three idiots.

"Watch it!" I spat at them sneering. "That's 5 points each for Gryffindor for not looking at where you're going. Another 5 points for Weasley for wishing my hand to be eaten."

"You can't take off points from us!" Granger snapped "Prefects aren't -"

"Shut up mudblood. I'm in the inquisitorial squad, you should've been updated since you love to be nosy around people." I sneered at her

"Don't you dare call her a mudblood! You bloody Slytherin bitch" Weasley snapped at me his face turning a dark shade of red

"Who are you calling a bitch?" I turned around to see Malfoy, glaring over at the three. He swaggered his way towards us facing the three of them. Weasley was just glaring at him holding his hand. Draco looked at it and saw how scarred Weasley's hand was.

"Mummy's not here to mend your hand isn't she? That's why you keep on whining on other students here." He mocked

"Shut it Malfoy!" Potter intervened

"I'm not talking to you Potter." Malfoy spat turning his attention towards Weasley again

"So Weasley-"

"Draco, you should know he wished that Snape's hand was chomped by the plant we were working on earlier." Adrian sniggered. Draco now looked at Weasley with anger. The next thing I knew he threw his fist at Weasley's face

"Draco!" I screamed stopping him

"You filthy blood traitor wishing her hands to be cut off? Oh I'll cut your hands into four pieces and feed it into the giant squid." Draco hissed throwing another punch at Weasley

"I'd love to see you try Malfoy" Weasley spat trying to pry away Malfoy on top of him

"No one touches her!" Draco punched Weasley again "No one is allowed to harm her!" He spat. Weasley soon punched Malfoy in the face, him earning a busted lip but Draco punched Weasley again straight into the nose

"I'd like to kill you for being such a prick-"

"Malfoy stop it! Stupefy!" Potter pointed his wand at Malfoy. I quickly jumped into action blocking Potter's spell

"Don't you dare Potter." I spat at him. I pointed my wand at him.

"What if I did, Snape? What would you do?" He challenged

"Oh I'd swear I'll finish you off before Voldemort does." I snarled, smirking at him.

"Expelliarmus!" He cried. I quickly blocked his spell. Sneering at him

"That's the best you got, Potter?" I spat "You're not gonna touch my friends especially Malfoy you stupid son of a twat!"

"Stop! Every single one of you stop!" Granger pleaded. Adrian got Draco away from Weasley who's face was bloodied.

"Keep that big fat mouth shut yeah? So you'll no longer be into trouble Weasley." Misty sniggered

"No one asked for your opinion, Wroblebitz." Granger hissed at her

"I wasn't talking to you mudblood. Keep your mouth shut no one wants to talk to you except for crazy people." Misty shot back at her. Smirking at Granger

"Let's just go now, they aren't worth it." I scoffed. Looking at my half brother who was busy glaring at us "Some are just envious because they have an intelligence of a troll." The four of us sniggered walking away from them.

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