What is happening?

What the hell is happening in Hogwarts?

That was my first thought when a woman in pink named Umbridge decided to cut Dumbledore's welcoming speech.

"She's a bloody woman I tell you." Whispered Misty, who was bored as hell as she delivered her own speech.

I shrugged, cringing at our new Dark Defence the Dark Arts teacher. Is she really a teacher? She doesn't look like one. She looks like uhm. What do muggles call them again? A barbie doll, I think.

No one even bothered to clap at her when she finished her speech, all of the students stared at her, whispering at their friends and also maybe judging her. Everyone really can't swallow the fact that she just interrupted Dumbledore; and to be honest, no one interrupts Dumbledore during his speech.

Everyone returned into their common rooms as prefects lead on the first years to our common room. To my surprise, Malfoy was the other Slytherin Prefect.

We never talked to each other, maybe sometimes he asks me the questions in the classes that we both have together, but after than that, we clearly avoided each other. No, what I mean, I avoided him with all cost. Not that I have a crush on him or what. It's just that, I've already told you right? I've been avoiding the 'Golden Trio' or whatever they are and also all those who are related to Potter. I clearly didn't want any bloody drama in my life. Especially when Harry's my half brother.

Out of all students in Hogwarts, why Potter?

"I'm sorry" I said ducking down as I bumped into someone, I looked up to see it was Draco who was just standing there with his eyebrows furrowed.

"It's okay. Uhm, what are we going to do after this?" He asked as he motioned to the first years who were just looking at us innocently, some where fiddling their fingers and whispering to their friends.

"I think we're just going to head back to our dormitory. You can show the boys their dormitory and I'll show the girls theirs." I answered as he nodded and we guided the first years to their dormitories. Of course, Draco sounded a bit harsh to them. He's Malfoy after all. That's what he do for a routine.

After the first years had already gone to their own rooms, I sighed in relief and walked back to my dormitory. I opened the door and Misty was already there reading her books. She was always the nerdy one, while I was the sporty one in both of us. I plopped down in my bed and sighed loudly, as if it was the only way to say that I was relieved that this day was over

And yes, I was relieved. But remembering that classes starts tomorrow makes me want to groan in frustration.

"You know that Umbridge would definitely be having quizzes tomorrow with what shade of pink she's wearing." Misty said, attempting to make a joke. I scoffed rolling my eyes at her

"You should definitely work on your jokes." I said "You're taking my energy away."

"Oh I'm sorry Ms. Prefect" She snorted, "May I already fluff your pillows?" I laughed at her sarcasm, and soon she joined too. I closed my eyes as I feel to slowly drift away from my consciousness.


"Oi!" Misty said "You were already sleeping last night while I was still babbling about gossips on what I've heard? You've offended me!" Misty shouted as she shook me awake. My eyes suddenly opened as I sprung awake

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I was tired. Sorry. Sorry" was all that I've managed to say as she laughed.

"I was kidding, I fell asleep as soon as you started snoring, anyways, I heard that Umbridge woman was in Potter's hearing."

"She wasn't a dream?" I asked disappointed on the fact that I have to live in reality.

"She's a nightmare, honestly." Misty said rolling her eyes "Come on let's go and eat breakfast. Don't want to be late in our first day in school right?"

And let me tell you, we were five minutes late in charms class, but good thing Professor Flitwick was in the mood and the both of us got away safely, Jaycee was in the room too, waving at us as she motioned to sit beside her. She saved two seats foe the both of us and there I was glad to have her by our side.

"Nice save Jaycee" I said sitting beside her, "I would probably sit here with the Ravenclaws instead of sitting next to Parkinson the sweaty bitch." She chuckled quietly as she shook her head

"I know, that's why I saved two seats."


Hours passed by and clearly, it was the most horrible day of the week. If you ask me why, we have double potions and that fat lady Umbridge too. She tried to humiliate Potter in front of everyone because she thinks that he's a liar. But my courageous stupid brother yelled at him and earned detention.

Oh how lovely, Harry. Keep losing points from your house. We'll surely take the lead again this time.

Lunch came and almost every fifth year student were already whispering with their friends with their experience with the new teacher. I laughed since everybody was saying the same thing. I sat beside Astoria and Misty who were both eating some apple and pumpkin juice.

"I won't be surprised if Umbridge suddenly takes over our school." Misty said out of nowhere as she munched into her apple. I looked at her curiously as she still stared at nothingness.

"What did you just say?" I asked her once again. She blinked a couple of times before she sighed

"I have a gut feeling that she's going to take over our school, especially because she's working at the ministry." Misty explained as she continued eating "She would totally tell Fudge about this and boom there goes our school, being covered in pink." I laughed at her statement shaking my head in delight.

"Well, I would definitely expect that."

"Hem hem" we both turned around and saw Umbridge with a plastic smile plastered on her face as she carried her bright pink purse.

"Good noon, Professor" We greeted her politely

"Would you mind, You two? To keep your voices down? You are supposed to be eating, not to be talking." She said as she walked away leaving the two of us alone

I mimicked her facial expressions and Misty covered her mouth to stop herself from laughing out loud.

"I bet your uncle would definitely whack your head if he saw you mimicking her" Misty said

"Oh, he doesn't bother. He's already immune with my rowdiness."

Owls soon came flying down from us as they dropped down letters and gifts for their owners. My own owl, Saffy dropped a letter infront of me and took away my pumpkin pasty.

"That ruddy owl." I seethed as I opened the letter she gave me

Can you meet me later at my office? Someone wants to meet you.

"Oh, it's from Snape. He just wants me to go to his office." I informed Misty. She shrugged and packed her things. I looked at the time and saw that it was past 12 and we were about to start our classes soon.

Oh well, round two for hell today.

Everything in the afternoon classes were not as exciting as my morning classes, as if it was really planned out that my afternoon classes should be boring. I know that I would be falling asleep as soon as Mr. Binns, our History of Magic teacher started talking. Of course, I earned detentions for not paying attention into class but I really didn't mind since everything was draining the hell out of me. I was ready to get away from everything.

Remembering that I was still having meeting with my beloved uncle after classes makes me want to scream out loud. I was hoping for a rest but he knows he won't give me one so I was following him as much as possible.

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