It was a warm afternoon of that day. Sadie had found herself in the library, scribbling spells, incantations, and wand movements that she would be handing over to Potter. That was the only thing that made her busy that afternoon. Draco was still searching for Potter's squad along with the other inquisitorial's squad. Misty, Jaycee, and Adrian were also busy with their double divinations that day.

She wrote down 7 spells that would be useful for him, especially in the future. Why am I even helping him? She thought to herself.

After writing the spells in the piece of parchment, she already begun searching for where Harry might have be. The greatest option she had was to deliver the parchment by owl since she was lazy enough to wonder in the castle which could take her for hours.

Sadie walked towards the owlery. Owls of different colours and breeds were present. The fairest of them all was Draco's eagle owl. She hailed down her own owl and decided to give him some snacks first.

"Sadie?" She turned around seeing Harry was walking towards her.

"Potter." She acknowledged.

"What were you doing here?" Potter asked suspiciously.

"I was too lazy to deliver this to you, but since you are already here. I can't give you personal lessons with spells. Snape had found out and he wants me out of it. Knowing that it could also danger me since if You-Know-Who founds out who I am and I'm related to you, I'm already dead before you could say expelliarmus." She handed the parchment to Harry who was confused and betrayed at her sudden decisions.

"That's 7 spells that you could use with your army. I wrote it all down there so you can follow it easily. Don't worry, I still remained to be loyal to my word." She says.

"Why would Voldemort hunt you down?" He bitterly replied. "You're not the chosen one."

"Are you a whack or something? Snape's my Uncle. He and I would be doomed if he found out Snape was hiding my identity all the time." Sadie explained holding Harry on both of his shoulders and stared right into his green eyes. "Just don't let Umbridge take over Hogwarts."

"Thank you." Harry murmured. "I never thought I could count on you, but I did."

"Don't even think I wouldn't let you off the hook even if I helped you. You're still an arse like your father, Potter." She said narrowing her eyes at him walking away from Harry.

"Don't you dare call my Dad an arse! He was your Father too, Sadie! Have a heart sometimes!" Harry calls out to her. She heard distant footsteps signalling that Harry was following her.

Harry grabbed her arm pulling her to him. Sadie scowls gritting her teeth in anger pushing Harry away from her.

"I have a heart, Potter. James Potter is not and will never be recognized as my Father. You would understand if you were in my situation." She seethed at him.

"Sirius was there for you!" He shot back.

"He is not James!" Sadie fired back glowering at Harry who was already backing away from her.

"Stay out of my life. Get out of my sight before I do horrible things to you, Potter." She spat venomously giving Harry a final sneer before walking away from him.

Harry watched as his half sister walked away from him. He was thankful that she was helping him at the same time, he despised her for being such an arse.

What do you expect? She's Snape's niece, she was trained to hate you.


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