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"What is it this time, Potter?" Sadie spat narrowing her eyes at the approaching Harry.

"I believe you're going to teach me spells like you have said." He says in a matter of factly.

"I know. Okay, where are we meeting then? Definitely not here, people would suspect something." I replied.

They were in the courtyard. Good thing it was far away from where most of the students were. It was a good thing because it would lessen their exposure. Draco stared at Him intently, for the record, Draco had his mouth shut for the first time.

"How about some empty classroom?" Draco scoffs at this shaking his head at Potters answer.

"You think Filch would not hear you? I reckon you should practice by the prefect's bathroom or something." Draco remarked.

"I was not asking for your opinion, Malfoy." Harry seethed.

"He was right about that Potter. I reckon the prefect's bathroom would do or in the astronomy tower." Draco smirks proudly when Sadie agrees with him.

Harry sighs glaring at Malfoy. "Wouldn't he rat us out?"

It was Sadie's turn to glare at him. "We already gave you my word, what more? The unbreakable vow?" She snarks

"Fine then." Harry conceded eyeing Malfoy wearily. Draco wore his infamous smirk in his face, arching his eyebrows at Harry.

"I know you don't want to see me here Potter, but I could bear it since your half sister's the one I'm here for. You don't matter to me." Draco stated rolling his eyes at Harry.

Sadie shook her head and looked at Harry in a bored expression. "Would you like our help or not?"

"Malfoy is Umbridge's—"

"That's not your problem. He wouldn't dare to say a word to her since I'm involved in it, right Draco?" Sadie said cutting him off. Draco nodded his head in response to her.

"Don't worry Potter, I give you my word." Draco sneers at him.

"How in the world would we get in the prefect's bathroom? We're not a prefect!" Harry stated

"Eleanor and I are prefects you dumb fuck." Draco shot at him sarcastically "Unless you're too stupid not to know."

Harry glares at Draco, ignoring his snarky remark and faced Sadie. "2pm Saturday. I'll meet you guys there."

Harry walked away without saying another word which favoured Draco since he would have more time to spend with Sadie.

"I thought he would stay longer. I was getting impatient." Sadie laughs at his thought.

"I know, but we can't miss a good show we're going to pull aren't we?" It was Draco's turn to laugh at her statement.

Despicable. That was the one word to describe the two of them.

* *

Sadie was with Misty in the library writing their 5 pages long homework for Professor Flitwick. It gave her some sort of stress since she was having a mental block with her assignment.

She looked up hopefully at Misty, but seeing her friend who stared blankly at her empty parchment made her groan in dismay.

"Why is 5th year so hard again?"

"Certainly because you don't study enough." She joked earning a scowl from Misty.

"Drop it! As if you're not pressured of it." Misty groaned.

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