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No one made an effort to move for a while after the creature disappeared. The terror of it finding you sat in the back of your mind as you just watched the door. It didn't open again for as long as you sat there. Teresa sat, shell-shocked, staring at the row of vials in their holders. Gabi was trembling as she kneeled down next to Teresa and put a reassuring hand on her shoulder, a fruitless effort to comfort her. You sat, cross legged staring at your hands in your lap, watching them shake from the fear coursing through you. At this point your heart was pumping more horror than blood.

Soon, you got tired of waiting and cowering. Clapping your hands together silently, you looked up at the two girls in front of you. You imagined you had the same expression of sadness and defeat on your face. You watched them take slow, shaking breaths then closed your eyes, praying for their safety, even though they may not be your favorite people in the world.

You took one more deep breath before you looked at them again. "Hey," You started softly, grabbing their attention. You set a hand on the floor, leaning your weight on it. "We should start looking for a vent,"

Gabi looked up at the ceiling and took a breath, then looked back at you with somewhat less hatred. "Yeah,"

Teresa looked about ready to cry but she nodded with a light "okay" in agreement.

Standing up proved difficult since your legs were shaking. But somehow you managed to walk forward and peek around the case Teresa was leaning on. There was still no sign of the thing from before, and you hoped there wouldn't be a sign that he was anywhere near any of you ever again.

You looked at the nasty sludge that he vomited earlier and watched the light glisten on it, feeling as if you would throw up yourself. Despite how revolting the thing was, you wondered what it could be.

You moved closer and got a better look at it. It looked as if it was slick and sticky at the same time, and looked to have the consistency of jelly. It sat in a puddle of blood, which stained the substance purple-y red. It almost looked like a pile of jello, but smelt revolting. You didn't have much time to study the substance. You realized that when a boom! shook the dirt on the ceiling and sent it raining on top of you.

There was a weak groan and whimper somewhere in the maze of shelves that made you freeze in your tracks. You glanced behind you just to make sure. When you were sure nothing was there you took another cautious step forward. Then another. And another, until you reached the last row of glowing shelves. From beyond here, most of the shelves lights had blown out, but a few stayed and a couple others flickered.

Standing there, staring at the darkness, you regretted ever leaving the comfort of the Glade. Even though it was so big and had monsters running in and out constantly, it still had a feeling of security.

You spun hard when suddenly two vials clanked together. Your breathing quickened and you felt yourself tense. Your first thought was something was there. You were about to be killed. You were dead. But nothing came. In a rush of crazed terror, your adrenaline had spiked and you felt ready to fight for your life with your bear hands.

Your eyes shot from side to side, searching for where the noise could have possibly come from. Your prayers were answered when Gabi and Teresa poked their heads out from behind the shelves right behind you. Teresa could not look any more scared than she did just then. Gabi looked guilty and apologetic more than anything. It was a new look for her you hoped she'd keep. It made her look less unapproachable and intangible.

Your breathing slowed slightly, but only slightly. Your eyes went from blown wide from fear to wide with surprise. It was a drastic change, believe me. You shot a look at Gabi asking for an explanation but of course she couldn't give you one since all you would get is a series of high pitched whale noises from her voice being scared right out of her. (For other reasons also.)

Turning back around with a deep breath, you drove on your search for a vent.

You watched the wall closely, trying to find any clues to where a vent might be. Nothing showed after you searched the wall with the door. Trying to think of what to do, you turned to Gabi and Teresa and asked if you should risk looking at the other walls.

"Yes, definitely risk yourself to being eaten by that thing to check the walls," Gabi said. You gave her a 'that's not what I meant' look. She retorted with "What? I'm serious!"

You just shook your head. Teresa mouthed "No" when you looked at her for her opinion. Well, at least one other person here - that was not you - cared for your well being.

You waved them after you as you moved to the next wall.

Escape to the Hills // Newt x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now