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You pushed the button and the door retracted back into the ceiling. The glass doors opened with ease, even if they left a trail of shattered glass behind them. Even though you knew the Griever was dead you made sure to put a ten foot radius from you to it so it couldn't get to you without you seeing it move first.

Returning through the vents seemed impossible at the moment. The three of you stuck close and tried to stay as hidden as you could. You heaved a gun in your arms, Gabi was armed with a similar one, and Teresa carried a big bag filled with weapons but still wielded a good sized hunting knife of her choice. The whole idea of you even considering leaving the safety of the control room seemed stupid, but you had to get back to Newt and the others. You wondered how they were doing, and failed when you tried to contact them through your mind.

"Gabi," You questioned. "Did you happen to turn off the mind communicator thingy in the process of shutting everything else down?"

"I shut down the entire WICKED facility, if that answers your question." Gabi looked up at the bars on the ceiling skeptically.

"Great." You looked around the corner cautiously. "Teresa, you try contacting Thomas or anyone else."

"Okay." Teresa began her work immediately. Her face twisted as you advanced by a couple of hallways.

The hallways were eerily quiet now. Not even a Crank was in sight. Everything seemed normal, but... empty. Like everyone just filed out in an orderly fashion and didn't turn back, leaving everything the way it was before they left. Even so, you continued on.

"I can't get a hold of anyone." Teresa confirmed. "It's like- I can feel their presence, like always, but I can't reach out and grab them."

"Lovely." You said sarcastically. You peered around another corner, but there was nothing to hide from. "Where did they all go?"

As soon as the words escaped you lips, a door on the left of the hallway you were looking down shook on it's hinges. A decaying face was framed in the darkness. It's eyes were milky.

"Blind." You muttered to yourself.

"It's blind?" Teresa asked, looking around you.

"I think so."

" 'Think so' isn't going to cut it." Gabi started and walked into the open. Like an idiot. She shot once, and the glass cracked where the bullet went through. The Crank cried in pain and fell backwards. You watched it writhe for a moment before you walked up behind Gabi and slapped her in the back of the head.

"Are you stupid?" You asked. "You could have just called all of them here!"

"But I also might have just saved our sorry asses, traitor." Gabi threw back at you.

You raised your eyebrows and scoffed. "Unbelievable!" You put your hands up and started walking on. "Unbelievable."


Teresa decided to answer for you. "(Y/N)'s just trying to watch out for us. Don't shoot if you don't have to."

Gabi seemed to listen when Teresa explains things, so you left it to her to scold Gabi. You walked ahead of the two to keep a look out. Every once in a while a blind Crank would appear behind a glass or metal door and stare off into space as you passed quietly. The rooms closest to where Gabi shot the one Crank seemed to be more active now that they were roused from their death-like sleep. The farther you got away from there, the better. You led the two other girls at a fast walk, but your head swung from side to side, watching for anything. Still, nothing came.

"This is weird." You analyzed. "This place should be swarming with Cranks."

"Your welcome." Gabi nodded. You really wanted to hit her again. It felt good. Relieved unnecessary stress.

You continued on, not making much conversation, but making much progress. It took you only a half hour to an hour to get back when it took you two or more to get to the control room in the first place. You stopped as soon as you got back to the place where you first entered. The lights on the ceiling were still glowing, but flickered every once in a while. "This can not be a good sign."

"What do you mean?" Gabi asked. "We made it out alive."

"Yeah, but even though you shut down the systems there still should be Cranks wandering around. It would have just turned off their chips and they wouldn't be in packs. It was like they were herded into those rooms."

"I'm personally grateful that a we made it here," Teresa said. "One small problem-" She pointed to the door you came in. "The only way out is blocked by a huge slab of stone none of us can even dream of moving. And the lights shouldn't be on if you shut down all of the systems."

The three of you thought for a moment, then Gabi smiled and said "There is another way."

"Is there?" Teresa asked, surprised.

"Well, we can follow the vents over to the other side of the 'Glade', as you call it, and see if we can get out there."

"Or," You walked over to a large crack in the wall. "We can bust our way out of here."

"That will take too much time." Gabi complained.

"The cracks already big enough to stick an arm through, if we can make it big enough to fit our upper bodies through, we'd be golden."

"Okay." Teresa said. "But what are we going to use?"

"Anything with a sharp edge or anything we can use to chip pieces off, like a piece of rock or something." You searched around for a good sized rock.

Teresa turned to Gabi. "Come on." She set the bag down and picked out a couple of small weapons used to whack things.

Gabi groaned, but complied. "I hate when we have to listen to you."

"Gabi, it would have taken way longer to get to the other side of the Glade than to break down and already crumbling wall." You explained. "Plus, if there is a door it's probably blocked the same way this one is."

Gabi was silent for a moment, like she didn't know what to use as a comeback. "I hate you."

"Feeling's mutual." You picked up a good sized chunk of rock from the broken stone door. "Alright. Let some of that pent up anger out so maybe we'll all be nicer people before we get out of here."

"Shut up." Gabi said, standing back with her knife in hand.

You heaved the rock over your head and aimed. Swinging forward, the rock escaped your grip and sailed towards the crack. It smashed against the wall with a small amount of damage done to the rock itself, but the wall crumbled. "Let's get on with this. I want to take a nap until I'm 134."

Escape to the Hills // Newt x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now