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Teresa didn't waste any time in crying. She just broke down and sobbed into her palms. You weren't far behind her. Reality finally seemed to set in for Gabi; any emotion other than pure panic left her eyes.

Gally froze, only for a second, then started yelling. "Minho, you fucking idiot, get a hold of yourself! On the count of three we pull. Thomas, why aren't those rocks moved?" His voice was laced with anger and panic.

"Gally..." Jeff said, his voice despairing. "Do we have time?"

Gally's mouth hung open slightly and his eyebrows furrowed. He stared at Jeff as though he had just told him the Queen had shown up at his front door with a chicken. "Of fucking course we do!" His voice was stern with an undertone of fear.

Jeff's face changed within a second. His resolve seemed to harden. "Okay." He muttered to himself. Then he repeated the word louder. "Okay. Winston, you useless bag of potatoes. Get yourself over here and help!"

One good thing about Gally was he knew how to motivate people, even you felt your spirits lift.

As the barks and howls got closer, Fry got farther and farther out of the hole. He groaned and exclaimed different complaints but soon enough he was out of the hole and being rushed up the hill of stone. No one bothered to ask if he's hurt and just assumed he was fine since he wasn't limping or wincing. The only sign he gave of injury was a quick rub and roll to his shoulder, but he quickly was on the move again.

Rocks shifted and groaned under your weight but you didn't stick around long enough to see the avalanche your groups rush was causing. You could hear the rumble and crashes of rocks falling, but that didn't stop you. If anything, it made you move faster.

River had somehow ended up clinging to Alby. Alby must have grabbed her from Newt - who had been visibly struggling under her weight - after Frypan was free.

You thanked any and every powerful deity that you had friends with strength and brains. You would not have survived without them. You weren't one for exercise, but you found yourself slightly jealous of the fact that they could carry River easily.

Multiple howls resonated around you, bouncing off the boulders at an impossible volume and setting panic in your chest along with doubt in your mind. You tried your hardest to suppress the feelings but they were overwhelming. There was only one way of getting out of this and you were not about to sacrifice someone.

Your foot slipped on a loose rock and sent it tumbling to the ground, leaving you suspended in the air for a second before you steadied yourself on a different, sturdier rock. Your breathing stopped and your heart beat faltered before speeding up to a rate definitely not healthy.

"(Y/N)!" Newt's voice yelled to you. No one was bothering trying to conceal themselves because at this point anything in the Maze could have found you. "Are you alright, love?"

"Yeah!" You yelled back to him. "I'm fine." Your voice quivered.

Newt didn't look so sure, but he bit his tongue and pulled himself over the top of the rock pile, but only when you started moving again.

Soon enough, you were hauling yourself over the crest of the hill and into more sudden danger.

Ambling in front of you on the surprisingly level stone pieces were two Cranks, both covered in their own blood with a layer of dust caked on their rotting skin. Ones leg was dragging behind it at a gruesome angle but it barely seemed to notice. The others arm was limp and hung by its side, unlike its twin which was curled into the Cranks chest.

Two loud bang's jolted you. You watched the Cranks fall respectively with each sound before looking over to see who was responsible for this mess. Thomas's hand was just dropping when you looked over. How did he have such a precise shot?

You noted how Alby had tucked River's head into his neck and was bouncing her lightly, his mouth moving as if speaking or singing to her. You smiled despite what you had just witnessed. A memory of Alby bouncing a sleeping River the same way he did now and singing a song softly to her surfaced from the back of your mind. It was such a soft moment. You had walked in to check on River like you did every time you didn't put her to bed just to make sure the guys didn't put her to sleep in overalls (that's a long story) and had earned a pillow to the face and a whispered threat at finger point.

It was a good memory at a bad time. You didn't realize you were zoning out until you were being dragged by your wrist across the stony field. Newt's gentle hand slid into yours as you jogged, hopping over or to rocks from time to time.

The absence of the walls around you gave you the feeling of finally being able to breathe. Like someone squishing you around the middle hard enough and long enough to make you feel like you were suffocating finally letting go. But the absence of the walls also brought the feeling of vulnerability. The vastness of the orange desert around you made you feel exposed to anything, like if you weren't looking everywhere all at once something would come up in your blind spot.

Your grip tightened on Newt's hand. It was the only sense of comfort present at the time and you would take what you could get. His hand squeezed yours as if to reassure you that he was there and wouldn't be going anywhere anytime soon. As much as you wanted to believe that, no promises were sure to be kept. You knew that. You knew Newt also knew that.

The groups steady jog slowed to a stop as the pieces of stone became more and more scarce. Red sand started surrounding you instead of stone. Miles upon miles of open air, scorched land, and places once filled with memories and people lay ahead, beside, and behind you.

Your other hand came up to grip Newt's bicep while you breathed in deeply. You couldn't remember the last time you were allowed outside the W.I.C.K.E.D facility. Technically, you still weren't allowed, but your ass of a mother wasn't there to tell you no or order security guards to follow you around to make sure you weren't anywhere you weren't supposed to be.

Before you could even think the words "oh no" a pack of dogs was running at you. You turned just in time to collide with Newt's chest and be thrown into the sand. A flash of blue and grey flew over you and landed a foot away. Newt was scrambling to stand and was crushing you in the process. Over Newt's muttering and cursing you could hear the others having struggles of their own.

When Newt finally removed himself, you sat up and started to dust yourself off. You froze when you heard a low growl right by your ear. You turned your head and came face to face with a mouthful of sharp aluminum and steel.

Escape to the Hills // Newt x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now