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The walk was hot and long and dreadful. The only thing keeping any of you going was the jokes being thrown back and forth and the old-timey feeling of just being together. Along with the promise of a cooler night. That sounded great after being exposed to the too bright, too hot fireball that lit the planet. Thoughts of Aris stayed on the backburner, where they couldn't cause too much despair.

Chuck almost passed out from the heat and that was when the group as a whole decided to stop for a break. You took refuge from the scorching sun in an abandoned bus. Frypan distributed water bottles to everyone, all the while yelling to conserve the water and food because you only had a limited supply.

You lounged against a window and let your eyes wander, trying to get yourself to relax. River had finally stopped whining and was resting soundly in your lap humming something to herself and flailing her doll around to make her dance.

Newt, Alby, Thomas, Gally, and Minho were discussing something near the drivers seat. They all looked so serious. Sure it was a serious situation you were in, but why do they always have to look so glum? Alby especially. The man had only two facial expressions; stern anger and solemness. You wondered if he actually ever felt happy.

You didn't know what they were discussing. Newt had mumbled something about it to himself earlier but you didn't manage to catch what he said. He had his back to you at the time.

Being left out of serious conversations like that should have made you feel unimportant but frankly, you didn't want to be involved in them. They were depressing and nerve wracking. They gave you anxiety. Plus, you're mother was constantly brought up in those talks and you were too drained to be angry.

River fell back against your chest. She sighed and wiggled around to get comfortable. You cracked open an eye to watch her. The girl caught your gaze. "What?"

"Nothing." You closed your eye again.

The five year old squirmed again, but you suspected she was trying to annoy you more than to get comfortable. She yawned wide and almost punch you in the nose when she stretched her arms. Then, she laid back and slipped right into a dream.

River has always slept so well, deeply. Almost every time, she would fall asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow. Her shallow breaths had a small hint of a whine to them, making nostalgia raise in your chest. The way she lightly held a finger  between her teeth had been a habit since she was little, mostly due to Minho's pranks. He stuck his finger in her mouth once and she bit him hard enough to leave a bruise. In order to never do such a thing again, she would bite her own finger instead. It would have been an enduring experience to watch the little girl sleeping peacefully again, especially after all that's been going on, if not for the fact that she was crushing your lungs.

You shifted gently to a comfortable position where you could breathe again and looked at the little girl. Sadness struck you. She deserved so much more then what she was being put through. Your heart hurt as you thought of how much better off she would have been if she hadn't come into your care. She deserved her mother and father, not some teenager who knew nothing about childcare.

Thinking a little more into it, you realized just how much you hated the thought of what WICKED would have done with her if you didn't take her under your wing. She would be brainwashed by now, prepping her mind for the trials she was going to face. She would have been a weapon. You like that idea way less than you being able to watch her personally and make sure she was alright. Your mind was a whirlwind of hate and guilt.

What snapped you out of your swirling vertex of terror and rage was Newt sitting next to you. His hand came to rest on your shoulder. You noticed how it shook. The temptation to reach over and hold his fingers still for him grew inside you. You kept your hand on River's side.

"Hey," He said, the smile on his face was obviously fake. You wondered just what was going on in his mind to make his eyes look so distant.

You returned the smile with as much reassurance as you could. "Hi."

Newt tried for a smile again but it only looked strained. He looked off in the opposite direction.

You worried for him, really. Though you don't know much of what the boy had gone through, you could definitely tell it put extra weight on his shoulders. Even though the weight was metaphoric he still slouched more often than he used to. His eyebrows were always drawn together. His hair was probably thinning. You definitely understood that. Feeling like you were responsible for someone - or in his case multiple people - was just an additional burden. But once you start feeling that way, you couldn't just simply stop.

That was most of the reason you didn't make a move. No matter just how much you wanted to run your fingers through his hair or hold him or kiss his really stupid cute lips you didn't, because that would just add more responsibility on him. The last thing you needed was him getting killed trying to protect you.

The light sound of sand hitting the glass of the bus's windows and conversations turned to white noise in the background as you watched Newt. The blond didn't look at you. He didn't move his hand from your shoulder. He didn't say anything. He kept his lips pressed tightly together. He let his gaze shift to look out the window across from you.

Newt's hair glowed like a flame in the light, making him look even more ethereal. His eyes were golden. Though he was dirty, sweaty and a little sunburnt he was still beautiful. You wondered what type of magic he used to keep his good looks even through dirt and grime and whatnot.

You wondered when you became a poet.

Escape to the Hills // Newt x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now