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The nightmare was almost over when you fell fully into the Glade. You dropped to the floor and scurried away with the rest of the group.

Teresa gently gripped her side, just under the bruised area with Thomas and Jeff close by her, already preparing to check out the damage. Gabi was off somewhere arguing with Gally already and Alby was there yelling at them with Fry trying his hardest to calm everyone down. Newt was next to you in a heartbeat, hovering over you with concern in his eyes.

"Are you alright, love?" He asked, checking you out subtly. He might have been checking for injuries but his eyes lingered a little too long.

"Oh, I'm fantastic." You said sarcastically. "Exhausted. Hungry. My nerves are shot."

Newt cracked a smile and pulled you from laying down into a sitting position. A hand whipped through the nearby crack in the wall along with a blood-curdling scream.

"Maybe not one of my best ideas." You observed inching away.

"Maybe not but you lived because of it."

"I'm glad." You looked at Newt and he looked back at you. You studied him and he studied you. You concluded that he had gotten no sleep the past few nights and the only real rest he had was when WICKED showed up and stitched together your broken pieces. Only to leave you for dead afterwards. Just the thought of the organization made you angry.

Your face must have changed because Newt asked "What're you thinking about?"

You groaned. "My mom."

"Forget her."

"It's quite hard when she's the thing keeping us here."

The two of you were silent for a minute, slightly panicked by the purple hand groping the air just a few feet away. Then slightly more panicked by the sounds of three gun shots ringing through the air. The hand went limp and disappeared through the hole again with a shrill shriek.

You looked over your shoulder to see where the shots were coming from and found Gally with a gun gently cupped in his hands. "Shuck thing was getting on my nerves." He started then started on his way back to the Homestead, gun in hand.

You glanced back at the now bigger hole in the wall. Nothing seemed to want to kill you at the moment. A shadow passed by the hole but made no move to come closer.

"Okay, cool." You said, moving right along. You looked around. Nothing seemed to be out of the ordinary, which seemed out of the ordinary. Everyone was here, tending wounds, fighting, staring lovingly. "Okay, Newt. If you look any harder you're going to stare a hole straight through my head."

Newt blushed slightly and pouted. "You just look..."

You waited for him to continue, but before long, you noticed there were no arms wrapped around your neck. There was no cute voice calling your name. "Where's River?" It seems you were asking that question a lot.

"She's in the Homestead." Newt answered. "She's supposed to be with Chucky here, but apparently not."

"She's fine!" Chuck defended himself. "She can take care of herself better than I can."

"Yeah, you're right." You agreed. "But she still colors on the walls and believes in Santa Claus." You smiled with fondness.

"What does that have to do with anything?" Chuck asked.

"Just go check on her, please?"

Chuck heaved a big sigh. "Alrighty." Then he jogged off to the Homestead.

"So." You relaxed again. "Anything special happen while I was gone?"

Newt looked at you for a second, then gave a sheepish smile like he was caught talking trash about someone. You knew immediately something happened, anyone would. You looked him dead in the eye and pulled your best suspicious stare. "Oh, no."

Escape to the Hills // Newt x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now