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Gally passed River to you and squared his shoulders. "Okay, how are we choosing groups?"

Fry opened the duffel bag with the weapons and counted each. "Two knives, three guns?" He suggested. The idea wasn't half bad in your opinion.

"Rock, paper, scissors?" Jeff proposed jokingly.

"We can't give them fucking paper cuts, stupid." It's bad to judge people. Really. You shouldn't do it. But you couldn't help yourself. In that exact moment, all in unison, the group collectively turned to stare at Gabi. It had never really hit you just how alone she was as a child. What kid didn't play Rock, Paper, Scissors?

"Oh, my god." You said in complete astonishment. "You really don't get out much."

"What?" Gabi asked, her cheeks tinted a little red from the sudden attention. Everyone shook their heads as they looked away, to which Gabi yelled another loud "What?"

"Anyway," Alby pulled you all back on track.

"How should we decide who's getting guns, who's getting knives, and who's going defenseless?" Newt asked in a low voice. You didn't like the new 'just leave me alone' attitude.

"There's ten weapons and eleven of us." Gally summed up for you. It was too hot to do math. "That would leave one person without a gun or knife. I vote anger issues over here to have nothing." Gally gestured to Gabi. She snarled and opened her mouth to reply with something snarky but Newt beat her to it.

"Just because you don't like her doesn't mean she has to be weaponless. I think Minho could survive without a gun."

"Whoa, whoa!" Minho exclaimed, offended. "Why me?"

"Dude, you are dead tired. Thomas and I had to help keep you up right." Newt explained.

It was a smart idea. Minho really didn't look like he was in any shape to walk, let alone hold a potentially harmful object.

"That doesn't mean I-" Minho went to stand, but collapsed onto his side. Thomas and Newt were there in a second trying to help him up. He pushed them off. "I'm fine!" He insisted.

"Well then, our first line of defense is down. What do you suggest now?" Gally questioned almost sarcastically.

"Well then, we use (Y/N)." The way Newt said your name gave you a weird feeling. There was something behind it. Sadness? Regret?

You couldn't think of that now. You had just been volun-told to go out and potentially shoot a man. You really needed to get your head in the game. "What?" Terror rushed through you momentarily.

"You're the only one left in good enough health to help." Alby said. "Minho will stay behind with River and Chuck."

You didn't like it, but you couldn't argue. Everyone was in a situation they didn't want to be in. Who were you to complain?

"Great!" Fry clapped. He made a face when it was a little too loud. You glanced up at the WICKED guys and saw them with their weapons at the ready. Frypan lowered his voice. "Okay, what are you most comfortable with using?"

It took a few moments before you were finally settled with a weapon. The plan was laid out. You were given an electric gun. You pointed it up as it powered up and got yourself ready to move.

Alby counted silently on his fingers and signaled for the groups to move out. Your heart raced. Your group circled the fallen piece of bridge and ran for the cover of the underside of the part the WICKED men were perched on. You heard shots get fired and you covered your head with your arm, like that would do much. There was a sound like a lightning bolt then a exclamation of surprise from above. Someone had got the first guy down. You let out a heavy breath before leveling your gun on your shoulder and aiming. To do so, you had to stop moving. For a scary moment, the guy looked at you and raised his own gun. A real gun. You aimed for the word 'WICKED' embroidered on his chest and pulled the trigger. At the same time, something hot hit your temple. A bullet grazed a long, burning streak into the side of your head, but thankfully, that was all it did.

There was another scream from above. You watched the man drop through the sight on the gun. A feeling washed over you. Something in you shriveled. You knew exactly what it was.

You had known this for a while, but it hadn't truly sunk in until then. Your mother was really trying to kill you. She had set up this elaborate and complicated plan just to rid herself from you.

No. You realized. She's trying to rid herself of her past. Her memories. She's trying to disconnect herself from something she thinks she could have prevented.

What a bitch. Minho thought causing you to crack a smile.

But something itched at the back of your mind, like that was too easy.

Someone touched your shoulder. You turned, and to your surprise, there stood Newt. In all his stuck up, stupid, British glory. He was worried. "Are you okay?"

"Fine. Why?" He flinched at the coldness of your words. You weren't sorry. He brought this on himself.

"Your head is bleeding."

You brought your hand up to feel where the bullet had grazed you. When you pulled your hand away, you weren't too surprised to see blood on your fingers. "I'll survive."

Newt's face contorted into anger. " 'I'll survive'?" He repeated in disbelief. "(Y/N), someone almost just shot you through the head!"

"But they didn't." You argued back. "And since they didn't, I'll survive."

You tried not to smile at the way Newt's jaw hung open. You settled for rolling your eyes and heading back to your hiding space where everyone was gathering.

When you got back everyone was either sat or standing in a circle. Minho was trying his best not to fall asleep, but kept nodding off. It was painful to watch. You sat next to him and leaned his head on your shoulder. You didn't miss the look that crossed Newt's face. If he wanted to play, he was going to play.

"It's about mid-evening now, I'd guess." Thomas answered Fry's question.

It felt like it should be later.


Alright guys, it's lowkey been two years, but here's another chapter! I didn't die, I swear. You see, what happened was-

I lost interest in the Maze Runner after the last movie came out. It's still one of my favorite series, books and movies alike, but I guess I moved on. I will be posting the last chapters of this book once I get them written.

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