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Back with the Ladies!

So everything was fine until you were up the latter. As soon as you pulled yourself off the last rung and up into a vent next to Teresa, the latter groaned and the top part broke off the wall, slamming through the thin metal of the vent and falling straight through the hole it ripped. The only thing left that could help you get down was some screws left in the side of the vent.

"Okay then," You said. "Not going back that way,"

Gabi moved on quickly, after a thunderous boom went off a little closer. Then another went off three seconds later. The sound of rock crashing down sounded like a volcano going off around you. It scared you so bad you jumped and hit your head on the ceiling.

The crashing lasted a while and Gabi didn't stop to listen. She kept crawling on as soon as her fear of the world ending subsided. You wanted to take a break but knew you couldn't. Stopping now for a breather would mean risking a few short minutes that could mean life or death for you and everyone back in the Glade. You followed and sent a thought-message to Newt.

How are things going? You asked him.

Back in the Glade he jumped so hard is back cracked but he couldn't care less. You were talking to him. You were okay!

Oh, my god. Are you okay? Where are you? Did you make it? Are you hurt? He shot questions at you so fast a sharp pain stuck you through your brain.

Slow down, slow down! My heads going to split open. You closed your eyes for a moment and took a deep breath. Then replied, We're fine. We're not there yet, but we're making progress.

You felt Newt's relief well throughout your mind. It calmed you. How's it going over there? You asked, thinking of River and how she must be doing.

Tommy and Jeff are bloody unconscious. We were attacked by a Griever and a Crank. No one was seriously injured, fortunately. 'Got beat up good. Newt explained. You knew he was smiling just by the way his voice sounded.

Up ahead, Gabi called back to you that there was a decline in the vents and that it was safe to go down. She slid down on her side and Teresa followed. You followed suit and slid down on your back with your hands down to create friction so you didn't go sailing down and become that one person that pushes the group off of something because they were going too fast or they weren't paying attention.

Are Thomas and Jeff okay? You asked, worried for your friends sakes.

Yeah, Winston and Chucky are watching over them.

Both of you stayed silent just feeling each other's presence in your minds. It was strange but comforting.

"Stop!" Gabi suddenly exclaimed quietly. She stopped herself from sliding, causing Teresa to kick her in the back. She shot a slight glare backwards at the dark-haired girl but it was more light annoyance than anything she's ever given you. You skidded to a stop just before your feet came in contact with Teresa's shoulder.

"What?" Teresa asked, leaning to try and see what Gabi was seeing. She couldn't seem to get a good view.

"Griever," She answered ominously.

"What's a Griever doing this far into the main building?" Teresa asked.

"Nothing good," Gabi answered. "Mostly guarding the doors we have to get through to get to the control room. Some times eating teenage girls for lunch," She seemed to decide something. "Stay here, I'll be back," She slid down the rest of the way and crouched at the opening. Slowly, she peeked her head out to see something. After a moment she quickly pulled back into the vent and went up a few paces. A panicked look came over her face as she slid down. She gripped the metal as tightly as she could and stopped. She made her way back up to you and Teresa.

Teresa almost asked what the matter was until a Grievers leg appeared right in front of the opening. The Griever lowered its head and did something like a sniff of the air like a dog. How that worked, you couldn't ask me. They don't have noses!

You took it upon yourself to start quietly inching backwards, quickly followed by the others. The Griever continued to sniff and prod at the opening of the fallen vent. The thing head butted the vent, causing you to suck in a deep breath and hold it. Nothing seemed to move after that. The clock seemed to stop. Still holding your breath, your hand reached up and sought the bend in the cool metal, signaling the way back to safety.

All of a sudden, the Griever reared back with a roar and slammed one of its only working legs into the vent. The forced pushed the metal tube up, ripping the rusted dent. The entire thing crashed to the floor with you, Teresa, and Gabi not being able to hold in yells. Your screams caused the Griever to rear and head butt the broken vent with enough force to send it sliding into the wall. The three of you gasped and gripped at anything to keep from flying out.

"What are we going to do?" Teresa whispered to no one in particular.

"I'll tell you what we're going to do," Gabi whispered back, some time after Teresa's question. You were still listening intently for the Griever. The monster made no sign of existing. "We're going to run for it,"

"Hold on, what?" You asked. "I'm not committing suicide,"

"Aw, that's too bad," Gabi said sarcastically.

"Guys, seriously. What are we going to do?"

As soon as the last syllable left her mouth, the Griever rammed into the metal again. He hit directly where Teresa's voice was, so he head butted her in the side.

Teresa couldn't even scream. The wind had been knocked out of her. The only thing she could do was try and gasp for air like a beached fish. A rusted hole in the vent gave you the view of the Griever rearing up for another go, so the grabbed Teresa and pulled her into you. The Griever just narrowly missed both of you.

"Gabi, move!" You yelled, pulling Teresa out of the broken metal tube after you.

Your yelling and grunting had attracted the Grievers attention. Teresa was still gasping and grabbing at her hurt side, but she managed to regain her footing with your help. Gabi was there in a second, knowing Teresa couldn't run. She bent down and you shoved Teresa on her back with so much force she almost went sailing over her.

The Griever charged and you and Gabi exchanged understanding glances. You waited until the Griever was right in front of you before the both of you split and bolted in different directions around the Griever and straight for the glass doors.

Next to the glass doors was a keypad, which you stared at for a few frightening seconds before you almost broke the buttons putting in the code. The doors slid open too slowly for your liking and the Griever advanced on your group of three. As soon as the doors opened enough Gabi slipped through. You did the same and pulled the doors shut quickly behind you against their will.

The Griever slammed into the glass. The doors almost gave out but held and you rushed away.

"Let's hope that'll hold him," Gabi said, laying Teresa down in a chair.

Teresa groaned and the Griever hit the glass again.

"Hurry up and fix whatever you have to fix," You said, ushering Gabi off, just ready for this to be over. When she was over at the computers you knelt down next to Teresa and put a hand on her shoulder. Her face was still twisted in pain, which made you guess the hit had broken something. "Lets hope this is over soon,"

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