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It's still: What's up with the Guys?

Minho and Newt shot a glance towards the door where Winston stood with his hand outstretched. It was a quick glance so neither one had time to react. The Crank was tackling Newt within three seconds. It couldn't do anymore damage with its missing arm but Newt could tell you it didn't feel good getting repeatedly hit in the face with a mushy stump. Alby yanked the thing off Newt and held it by its armpits from behind.

"Open the window!" He shouted, trying to keep away from the creatures biting mouth.

Minho ran to the window and struggled to open it. Gally soon joined him out of pure frustration of watching him fail. When the window was open enough to fit the Crank's skinny body through, Alby pushed its head through with help from Frypan and shoved it out. No one watched as the Crank landed headfirst on the concrete.

Chuck opened the closet door and struggled with it when it got stuck on the broken part. River quickly ran through the opening and gripped the closest persons leg. Gally, being that person, picked her up and let her cry on his shoulder. Minho helped Newt up. Newt's face was newly decorated with a bloody nose and an already forming black eye.

"You alright, man?" Minho asked, clapping him on the back.

"Yeah," Newt replied, gingerly touching his eye. "I'll live,"

"Good. We'll need someone - other than me, of course - with a brain,"


Now back to your favorite subject; you!

As Gabi lead on through the vents, she kept asking herself questions and talking to herself. Saying such things as: "This way?", "Is this right?", and "I don't remember that." Which didn't help your courage much. The faith you had in her directions was slowly diminishing.

"Gabi, are you sure you know where you're going?" Teresa asked.

"Yes, I do," Gabi answered with a frustrated tone.

"You don't sound like you do," You commented.

"Shut up so I can think!" Gabi leaned back on her heels for a break. She silently looked ahead.

Your head dropped with a sad sigh. "We're lost."

"Shut it." Gabi said, even adding in the hand movement.

"Which way?" Teresa asked, completely done with both of your childish arguments.

Gabi hesitated long enough to make you worried you were lost again. "Th-" She stuttered. "This way." She chose the path to the right. It's top was caved in a bit. But there was still enough room for you to squeeze through.

"You don't sound confident." You pointed out.

"If you don't shut up, I will come back there and punch you," Gabi threatened.

"I dare you,"

Teresa almost yelled at both of you, but was interrupted by something slamming on the roof of the vent. All three of you hit the floor as soon as you heard the noise. Looking up, you realized there was hand indent right above your head in the soft metal. The hand was curled into a half fist with a gap between the finger tips and the palm. You stayed silent waiting for another sign of Cranks.

Nothing happened until Gabi had to open her big mouth again.

"Is it gone?" She asked, stupidly.

There was another slam followed by another on each side of the vent. From a rusted spot in the vents panels came a hand, green and gross, a few inches behind you. It moved from side to side trying to grab hold of whatever it could. It caught hold of your foot and you swore you've never felt more terror in your life. You let out a scream, which probably didn't help the situation (or your ears), and kicked. When the thing started pulling you backwards you grabbed Teresa for help but she was having her own troubles with trying not to get crushed by the Cranks fists bending the metal above her. Even though, she turned over onto her back and scooted next to you to kick your leg free, all the while screaming for Gabi to get a move on and figure out where we're going.

"Gabi, get us out of here!" Teresa yelled with another kick aimed at the Cranks wrist.

"I'm trying!" Gabi grunted with effort as she pushed a vent panel back into place so it didn't stab her. Another kick came from a Crank and it sent the panel back inwards towards her again.

Your foot was almost out of the vent by the time Teresa managed to get you free. There was a quick crack and a sickening sound like something tearing. Then all three of you shot down whichever tunnel looked safest. You didn't dare stop until the screaming was too distant to hear. When you finally did, you checked for wounds on each other, but everyone seemed fine. You were disgusted to see the Crank's hand lying just around the nearest corner.

You sat for a few moments to catch your breath and get yourselves together. Gabi had her back faced towards you and Teresa so you couldn't see her expression. Teresa seemed pale and scared. You felt terrible.

"Gabi," You asked, through deep breaths. "Where are we?"

"Close, actually," Gabi said, sounding completely confident. "I remember whatever that is." She pointed to some gross pile of that same steaming jelly stuff that came out of the Crank earlier. No wonder the vents started smelling terrible some time ago.

"Close to what exactly?" Teresa asked. "What are we even looking for?"

"I'm shooting for the control room. Open a path straight to the exit for the guys and River, then haul ass as fast as we can out of here," You said.

"Smartest thing you've said all day," Gabi agreed.

You growled lowly but kept to yourself because Gabi started moving again. She crawled a few paces forward and stopped at the next three way passage. Then she turned to look back at you and Teresa.

"Go down the middle one," She said.

"Why?" You asked, lightly pushing Teresa in that direction to get her moving.

"Leads up," Gabi backed into the middle passage and stood, hitting her head. Which, of course, you laughed at and she threatened your life again. She stood fully, then she hopped, then her legs disappeared.

Teresa moved forwards and stood. She turned and hopped, then disappeared the same way as Gabi.

It was your turn to follow up the vent. To your surprise, there was an actual latter there leading up. No, not just the rungs coming out of the wall, an actual latter was somehow secured to the wall and Teresa was already halfway up it.

"Alright," You said. You grabbed the first rung and decided to write your will quickly if you fell. Then you pulled yourself up and entered your next peril.

Escape to the Hills // Newt x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now