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Teresa and you both got ready to sprint by sitting back on the balls of your feet. You heard Teresa mutter something like an "Oh, lord." and to be honest, you couldn't agree more.

The Griever trotted back and forth along the doors, looking in and trying to see where his targets went. It would stop every once in a while and kick the door to see if anything moved, but you, Teresa, and Gabi only flinched lightly. Even that much movement seemed to catch its eye. It would glance at Gabi most often, since she was most out in the open. When it stopped to look in every so often it would look at her and snap its jaw. Which any species, no matter what language you speak, could tell meant he wanted lunch.

"Count of three?" You asked Teresa.

"Go!" Gabi yelled from her computer when she heard the glass crack even more. You listened.

As soon as the Griever saw the two of you coming it shrieked so loud the glass cracked without anything even touching it. The creature gained motivation to hurry its work up and start slamming its two front legs on the glass.

Teresa went to the left and started yelling things at the monstrous slug. "Hey, worm!" "Look over here, you big pile of klunk!" "You're just as dumb as you are ugly, huh?" She waved her arms and tried her hardest to make herself way more interesting than you.

Her show kept the Grievers attention while you snuck as quietly as you could over to the panel. The Griever cracked into the glass a nice tiny hole where he could stick the tip of his leg in.

Shards of glass ground under your feet. You felt a particularly large piece jam it's way through the sole of your shoe. You started stepping on the side of your foot instead to keep from injuring yourself. One piece of glass decided it wasn't broken enough and made a loud cracking sound when you took a step. The Grievers head shot in your direction and the both of you took a moment to take in what you where seeing. The Griever screeched again and started hitting its entire body against the door. You didn't waste time and lunged forward, slapping the button as hard as possible. Something above you groaned, but nothing happened. The Griever still hit into the glass, Gabi worked furiously on the computers, Teresa yelled and screamed, and you panicked. You smashed the button over and over again, but nothing happened except a muffled groan of metal.

"Shit!" You yelled, hitting the button again knowing it was no use. "Gabi, close it!"

"Kind of busy!" She shouted back, but closed something on the computer and clicked another. Another groan was heard, then the door made an appearance.

The Griever made a noise like it was strangling, and gave up on breaking the glass. It backed away and started dry heaving. It looked almost like something a dog would do, but much more violent. It hacked and coughed, until some sort of jello like substance dropped out of its throat. It was green. Then the Griever fell and stopped moving.

Teresa and you stared, horrified, at what you were seeing, until the door hit the floor. You looked at Teresa, who was already looking at you, and took a shaky breath. "Same as the Crank."

Teresa nodded. "Gross."


You helped Teresa back to her seat, where she flopped down and gingerly touched her side. Her face scrunched in pain and her hand jerked away.

"Just sit and rest for as long as you can." You told her and went to check on Gabi's progress. As soon as you looked over her shoulder she threw a hand back and hit you in the nose. "Ow!" You yelped, grabbing her hand. "What the hell, Gabi!"

"You annoy me." Was Gabi's defense.

"Oh, fuck you." You said, pushing her hand away when she tried you hit you again. "How far have you gotten?"

"Just need to upload this override virus to all the attack and defense systems then hit this button," She pointed to a red button on the desk in front of her. "But I can't do that with you nagging me and breathing down my neck."

You scoffed at her and watched the upload progress bar jump from 33% to 40%. "At least it's moving fast." The bars speed slowed. "Well then."

Gabi promptly shooed you away and resumed whatever hacking she was doing. Probably messing with your personal data, but you didn't give a flying rats ass as long as she shut this thing down.

About three minutes of walking around aimlessly had proved boring enough, so you took it upon yourself to search around for useful things in case you still need to fight your way out of here.

After removing the glass shard from your shoe - which, luckily, didn't break skin - you attacked the problem of being defenseless. The first few closets you rummaged through, throwing things that might be helpful behind you for Teresa's opinion, weren't all too successful. But after those some proved helpful by providing guns and knives. You were definitely keeping one of those guns with the electric ammo for yourself. Another door you opened lead to a dark room that smelt gross and looked a little too sketchy for your tastes, so you closed the door quickly and made sure to lock it.

You were rummaging through another closet when Gabi finally shouted "Success!" You lifted your upper body out of a box half your height that was filled with discarded tubes.

"You did it?" Teresa asked excitedly, wincing at her own sudden movements but her excitement never left her face.

"About time." You stated leaning back and pushing your hips forward to stretch.

"I just saved your ass so can you be a bit more polite?" Gabi asked.

"No. Mostly because you did it for yourself. You only care about your own well-being."

Gabi would have lunged at you and tore your hair out of Teresa hadn't stood between you with a hand on both of your chests holding you back. "For the love of God, could the two of you try to not act like children for five seconds so we can leave?"

"She started it!" Gabi protested, only proving Teresa's point.

"Okay, great. You're an actual five year old. Now, about getting out of here." You peeked out of the window of the door. Nothing seemed to be out of the ordinary. "Seems clear."

"How do you know something's not out there?" Teresa asked.

"Because Grievers and Cranks don't exactly try to hide themselves when they show up."

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