Begin again(52)

753 46 4

Quincy's p.o.v

It was nearly thanksgiving. I have already been in school for a couple months now, and I had finally made a few friends. Yet, I still feel empty, especially when I return back to my small dorm room. It was weird no longer living with Kendall, I had expected to wake up to the sound of him singing in the shower. Yet, all I awoke to was the sound of my alarm. 

We try and meet up every week, but we have both been so busy. He doesn't look like himself anymore. He has bags under his eyes, and he says that he hasn't been able to get any sleep since he had left Monroe. I can't believe that he had actually moved all of his stuff out of the apartment. 

I tried to get into contact with Monroe, but his assistant says that he hasn't visited the office in a couple of weeks. Which was not like him in the slightest. I was worried about the both of them, they belong with each other, if only they would see that. 

With me not having any contact with Monroe, I have no knowledge of how Walker is doing. He has been in rehab now for over a year. Every trace of him has disappeared from my life. Including the bottle of cologne that I had stolen from his things a few weeks after he had left. 

How much longer will he be checked in? Will he come to me once he is discharged? Has he forgotten about me? The uncertainties are swirling around constantly in my head. I don't lnow how much more waiting I could do.... 

With thanksgiving around the corner, I have no plans. This would be my third thanksgiving in America, but it will be my first one alone. I don't want to burden Kendall, and the dorms will most likely be empty. So, I might as well order some Chinese food and watch something on Netflix. Which is pathetic I know. 

"Oh, sorry." A voice startles me, as a bulky man bumps into me. Causing my books to fall to the ground. 

"Oh shit, I am so sorry. I didn't mean to bump into you like that. I am usually aware of my surroundings. Are you okay? Did I hurt you?" I ramble as I bend down to pick up my books. 

The man just chuckles. Bending down to help me. I finally look at the man, a blush coating my cheeks when I notice that the man is very attractive. His hair is short, and a very soft brown. Which has blonde highlights running through it. It's his smile that really catches my eyes. 

He has such a caring smile, it's like he could make anybody swoon with just one flash of teeth. "Don't worry about it. These kind of things happen, especially when you're stuck inside your own mind. You didn't hurt me, I'm more worried about you being more hurt." The man responds. Passing me the last few books off of the floor before standing up. Brushing off the dirt on his jeans. 

I follow suit, trying not to catch his gaze. "Well, I'm sorry none the less. I really should have been paying attention. I am probably making you late to class or something." I say, rubbing the back of my neck with nerves. 

"It's okay, I'm just getting out of my last lecture now. You helped me wake up, I was almost falling asleep in there. Man law classes are draining." He jokes. slapping his cheeks as if to wake himself up. I laugh quietly, shocked that this man is being so nice, even though I did knock into him. 

"I would imagine." I say. Shifting from one foot to the next. My next class is in half an hour, and I like arriving early so I could get myself organized before the lecture starts. 

"Now it looks like I am holding you up. Sorry about bumping into you, but I would be lying if said I hope that it doesn't happen again. Hope to see you around." And with that, the man turns on his heels and disappears down the crowded university halls. Leaving me standing confused, clutching my textbooks to my chest. Which my heart is beating quickly inside. A feeling that I haven't felt since Walker had left.  

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