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"You know, we no longer are in debt to society. We could officially do whatever we would like." Avery says. A smile on his lips as we exit the school for the last time.

"It's pretty exciting. But, now we have to go to University. Something that neither of us are ready for." I respond. Thinking about the acceptance letters sitting on my dresser. I had applied to numerous ones across America as well as a few located in Ireland. for my parents benefit.

"Maybe you aren't but I am. I've been waiting to spread my hypothetical wings since I could remember. I'm going to LA. I've already accepted the offer." Avery tells me casually. Like he wasn't telling me that he was leaving me. I stop in my steps, turning towards him. mouth hanging agape.

"What do you mean? LA? when did you accept the offer?" I ask him. Not understanding why he wouldn't tell me. We're best friends. Almost brothers, and because of that we tell each other everything.

"Maybe a week or two ago. I didn't tell you because you were already dealing with the whole Walker thing. I didn't want you to think that I was abandoning you too." He tries to explain.

"Wait, what do you mean abandon. Walker did not abandon me. You are. We promised that once I moved to the states we would stick together. You are breaking that promise, Walker didn't make promises he couldn't keep." I say, looking away from him. Not being able to look at him.

The only friend that I have chose to go to LA, hell he didn't even tell me that he applied there. We applied to all the same universities, and I thought that we would go to the same one. I guess I was wrong.

"I am not abandoning you Q." Avery tries. Reaching to grab my arm. I pull away from him.

The feeling of betrayal over riding everything else.

"I can't believe you would do this to me. I came to America because I thought you needed me here. Avery you tried to kill yourself. Yet, you've acted like nothing has happened and you're now telling me that you are leaving. Across the country at that. This isn't like you, and it scares me. The Avery I know wouldn't leave his best friend without a second thought." I almost yell. His face falls and he drops his hand. He looks away from me swallowing. when he turns back his eyes are filled with tears.

"The decision wasn't easy for me Q..." He whispers his voice clogged from the tears.

"don't call me that Avery. Don't act like what you did wasn't a betrayal to me, to our friendship." I respond, my tone harsh. Causing him to flinch back.

"I was in a dark place Quincy, I didn't ask for you to come to my rescue. So don't act like you're in the right. You have been in your own head since you got here. You didn't shoot me a second glance when I got off my meds, when I would beg for my mother to allow me to come home. I hate it here. I hate being near the family that abandoned me. Yet, you never saw that. You were to caught up on walker. The poor injured soul who had left you. No matter the reason Quincy, he had left." He says angrily. Wiping away the tears that had started to stream down his face.

"Was I supposed to just sit there? knowing that the only person I loved was attempting to end his life? I came here to be with you, not to be your knight in shining armor. I may have been too self involved Avery, but at least I went to you with it. Compared to you, who has apparently been hiding stuff from me for months. That's  not what best friends do Avery. I don't read minds either Avery, how was I supposed to know what you were thinking when you don't open up to me." I cry out. Aware that we were standing outside of the school, and everybody was starting to stare at us.

Not addressing his comments on Walker leaving me. His opinion had flipped so quickly. I thought that he was supportive of me, and my decision to be with Walker, To stick by him while he gets help. Yet, now he's sounding like I am the one betraying him. Not the other way around. Is his hate for his own family that strong. I look behind us and see my family and friends looking at us. Monroes eyes hold so much pain, and the way he's holding Kendall tells me that he is hurt by what Avery is saying.

"You don't see it do you. Your family didn't abandon you. They are right in front of you. Monroe dropped everything and ran to New York. Your mother is here for you, and had worked so hard to keep a roof over your head. Do you expect her to just forget about her nephews? They are the only things she has left from her sister. She just wasn't going to allow them to be alone. You are being selfish Avery." I tell him. His eyes dart back to our family, and anger fills his eyes. looking back at me he snarls.

The best friend I had would never be this hateful, this cynical. When did he turn into this stranger, and why didn't I notice it?

"They left me. They never cared about me. I don't care what you say, because you don't know the full story. You are an outsider, don't forget about that Quincy." I take a step away from him. sadness and hurt fills me.

out of everything that he had said in the past few minutes, him claiming me as an outsider hurt the most. I grew up in a family that didn't care for me. They don't send me birthday cards, or wish me a happy new year. To them, I was just there. I kept my parents from having a successful life, and to them I was in the way. I thought that here, I would find where I truly belong.

Yet, the one person who I never expected to turn against me has dispelled that dream.

I feel a hand being placed on my shoulder and I look back to see Monroe standing tall behind me. A frown marring his handsome face.

"That is more than enough Avery. We let you be a spoiled brat for too long. Your mother worked herself sick, just so you could have whatever you wanted and this is how you treat her? By claiming that she doesn't love you. Her own blood? That's just beyond disgraceful Avery. If you are blind enough that you can't see that you are loved, then you are a fool." Monroe says with a level tone. His eye's never straying from Avery, who is glaring whole heartedly at him.

"My mother loves you more than me, so she's not a saint. She allowed a man to abuse her for years, not sticking up for herself. Much like your own. She doesn't deserve your praise." he spits. Shocking us all. I look back at his mom to see her sobbing. Kendall holding her frail form to his own. Monroe exhales deeply.

I could tell that he had hit a soft spot with the mention of Monroe's mother who had passed away when he was a child.

"Avery.." I start but he cuts me off by sticking up his hand.

"I'm done. I can't live here anymore, I was going to tell you tonight. I'm leaving for school next month. Since you seem so close to my family, you could stay with them in the mean time. I don't want you at our apartment. I'll stay at a friends place for tonight so you can pack your stuff. I'm sorry." he says mostly to me before he walks away. I couldn't understand how this has happened. He seemed so happy today, but looking back at it maybe it's because he was finally getting his freedom. Why hadn't he talked to me about this hate that was forming inside of him?

Monroe squeezes my shoulder in reassurance before he heads over to his distraught aunt. Pulling her into his arms. Pecking her on the forehead as she continues to cry for her son.

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