Type. (5)

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"There's a man staring at you." Holden whispers. Nodding his head towards the back of the room. We've been here for a couple of minutes. Since we are underage we only got some sodas and sat down at our own table. JoJo had left to talk to his other friends which is perfectly fine.
I turn around and see man nearly twice my size. I look at him appreciatively, but I know that he's not the one for me. I could see him objecting to taking it up the ass. He's more of the dominating side, so him and I won't get along.
"Nah, not interested." I scoff. He glares at me in annoyance.
"You're too picky." He pouts.
"It's not like anything would happen if he were my type dude." I remind him. He nods in understanding, turning back to look around the space. His eyes alight with curiosity.
"This is exactly how I Imagined it." He says. I look over at him with a smile. Glad that he isn't disappointed. I wouldn't want his dream to come crashing down.
"How about you, see anybody interesting?" I ask. Glad that the subject has moved on. He nods and points to the bar.
"Him." He whispers. I look over and see a boy around our age. His face is covered with piercings, as well as his ears. His hair is dyed a vibrant color that almost glows. I raise my eyebrows, seeing as that he isn't really his normal type.
"Why?" I ask. Looking back over at him. He shrugs. Sipping at his water. Since we are just guests, we can't do much, like drink alcohol or see any of the performance since we have to be asked to get admittance. The white bracelet stops that from happening. So the rest of the night we just watch the relationships between the members.
I would be lying by saying that I'm not slightly interested. I don't see myself in this type of relationship twenty four seven. Every once and a while is fine though.
"I can't believe you want to leave me." He whispers. I look over with a frown.
"This is the best thing for me. I'm not leaving you." I tell him. Watching as his eyes sadden.
"I don't know what I'm going to do." He says. I look over at him.
"Leave. Go to a university that has a great art scene. Enjoy being independent." I say to him. He looks over at me with a small smile.
"That does sound amazing." He whispers.
"I know, and that could be your future. Mine is the military." I say. He nods at me.
"Okay. Just write to me." He commands, pointing at me dramatically. A joking glare on his face.
"Of course I will. You're my best friend." I joke. Pushing him lightly. He looks at the watch with a frown.
"I have to be home soon. We should leave now." He says with a sigh. His shoulders sagging.
"We can come back. I won't train, but I'll come with you." I tell him. His expression turns hopeful.
"Really?" He asks. His eyes widened with excitement.
"Yes, really." I sigh. He jumps up and hugs me tightly. I ruffle his hair, causing him to object.
This night wasn't that bad. It made my best friend happy, and that's all that matters. He deserves it, he's done so much for me.
I'm going to miss him when I ship out. I will send letters, whenever I can. Skype him, the full package. It's not the same. I am leaving him, and that sucks.

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