Mooey (16)

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"You're welcome to stay here as long as you like Walker. You don't have to get your own place." Monroe says to me. He's sitting across from me sipping on his coffee.
"I just want t a place to call my own. From going from Dads house to the barracks, there was no place to call home. This is my first chance to do so. I need to get my life in order." I explain to him. Watching as he nods his head in understanding.
"This doesn't have anything to do with Quincy right?" Kendall asks. His soft voice sounding from the kitchen. I blush slightly, knowing that they have caught me.
"He deserves more than an ex soldier, who doesn't have a job or a place to stay." I whisper. Monroe leans forward in his set. His hair slightly falling into his face. Seeing as Kendall doesn't want him to get a hair cut.
"You are more than that Walker. You are one of the brightest people that I know. You've just been dealt a tough hand. You've moved past that. Look at yourself Walker. You're a great guy, and Quincy would be lucky to have you." He tells me. His eyes serious. Kendall walks out of the kitchen behind him. Standing beside him and wrapping his arm around my brothers shoulder.
"He likes you. You are blind if you don't see that." He whispers. Smiling softly at me. I look down at my hands.
"I know that because we kissed." I rush out. Looking up briefly to see Monroe beaming.
"My brother is growing up!" He almost yells. His eyes bright. Kendall looks at his boyfriend with a cautious gaze before turning back to me. He must be used to my older brothers antics.
"It's nothing. We aren't official, but I really like him." I tell them. Smiling softly at the thought of the young boy who has me wrapped around his finger.
"Well what are you waiting for? Ask him out?" Monroe says. Tossing his hands in the air with excitement.
"It's too soon. I've only known him for a little under a month. When he was younger doesn't count." I explain. I drop my head to my hands. Stressing about this situation.
"I was Monroe's the minute I saw him. Time does not matter." Kendall adds in softly. Looking at Monroe with love in his eyes. It's great that my brother has found somebody as kind hearted as Kendall. He's exactly what my cold hearted brother needs. He helps him get out of his mind, which he's always struggled with.
"How would I even ask him out?" I ask them. Seeing as I've never asked anybody out, or even thought about it.
"Just fuck him. Claim him as yours." I Blanche and the words that escape Monroe's mouth. Kendall swats his shoulder and glares at him slightly.
"Don't listen to him. Drop by his place and ask him to dinner. That easy." Kendall tells me. Monroe pouts and rubs his shoulder. I consider Kendall's suggestion and shrug. It would work.
"Where would I take him?" I ask them. Not knowing this area very well.
"Take him to a laid back place. He doesn't seem like he wants to go to anywhere fancy. Seeing how strict his parents are and all that." Monroe helps. I nod and stand up. Needing to get ready before going to his house. They chuckle as I practically get ready in five seconds.
Excited to see Quincy. It's been a few days, we've texted and I've called him a few times. It's just not the same. I want to see his face, and his pouty lips. I want to feel his body heat. Just be near him.
Without him, the last few days have felt like torture. The only thing getting ,e by is the fact that I got the interview with the gym in a few days. I'm going to get it, I know that. It will set me in the right direction. Meaning that I'm ready to take care of another person other than myself.
"I'm heading out!" I call out to them. I exit the apartment and rush downstairs. Making my way to his smaller apartment that's a few blocks away. The walk helps me clear my mind. That's filled with situations that can occur when I ask him out. If he says no I don't know what I'm going to do. I know that I won't be able to mask my disappointment. No matter how hard I try.
In just a few minutes I'm standing outside of his place. Taking steady breathes before walking. Up the stairs to his door. I knock on it a few times and wait for him to answer it. I hear a dog bark, and his soft voice behind the door before it swings open. What I see almost has me drooling.
Quincy is in front of me wearing nothing but a towel. His hair is wet, sticking up in different directions. The water droplets that are making a path down his body has captured my attention. His pale skin is so tempting and I have to take deep breathes to control my urge to take him Into my arms and never let him go.
"Walker. Hey." He greets me. Opening the door more, motioning for me to enter his home. I smile at him slightly before walking by him. Shuddering when my body presses against his briefly. I hear him gasp silently and smirk. Knowing that he has the same response to me, that I do to him. It helps soothe my frayed nerves.
"Sorry for dropping in. I just wanted to see if you wanted to go for dinner with me." I say. A blush raising to my cheeks.
"Oh it's fine. I wasn't really doing anything. I'd love to! Just let me get um... Dressed. You can have a seat and I'll be right out. Don't mind Mooey. She's harmless." He rushes out. Motioning to the small puppy behind him. Who's currently chewing at a toy.
He then rushes off into what I'm guessing is his bedroom. He actually said yes, and he looks excited. Happy with the outcome I walk around his place. Wanting to learn more about the boy. There are pictures of him and Avery hanging on the wall. Making me smile softly. There's no pictures of his family, which is understandable. He doesn't have anything else on his walls. Plus, there's still boxes littering the room. Showing that he hasn't gotten the chance to unpack. I sit down on the plush couch, watching as Mooey walks over to me. The toy still hanging from her mouth. She falls onto my feet. Continuing to chew away.
It doesn't take long till Quincy is back in the room. Footing on a pair of shoes.
"Ready to go?" He asks. Slightly out of breath. I take a mom me to take in his appearance. He's wearing a burgundy knitted sweater with a pair of grey jeans that hug his legs. Showing off his great figure.
"You look great." I whisper. Standing up to pull him into my arms. No longer able to stay away from him.
"Thank you." He says with a blush. Looking away from me.
"Your welcome. I was thinking French food?" I ask him. Stepping away after pecking him on the forehead.
"That sounds good." He adds. Leading us out of his small home.

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