Swollen (15)

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"We need to find you your own place." Quincy mutters as he comes out of the washroom. I raise my eyebrow at him. This fact hasn't stopped him from staying the past two nights. I can tell that he doesn't want to go home, which I'm fine with. I love having him here. It makes me less lonely. He makes me laugh too. Just his mannerisms relax me. He's a cute kid.
I know that I shouldn't think of him this way. Seeing as he is a kid. He just turned eighteen. While I'm twenty three. I know that it's not that large of an age difference, and that age is just a number. He's just young and I'm almost positive that he doesn't want to get into a serious relationship with an ex soldier who has some daddy issues. It's just severely unlikely.
I know that he likes me, I can tell from the long glances and heated eyes. It's hard for me not to take him up on what he's eyes offer. I have never done anything with somebody before. I have never kissed somebody for Christ's sake. Yet here I am, imagining Quincy pushed against a wall with me thrusting into him relentlessly. He looked like he could take it, and that made it even harder to fight the urge.
By the glances that Monroe throws me, I know that he knows what is going on in my brain. He has obviously clued in Kendall too since he looks between the two of us with a light pink blush on his cheeks and a soft smile. I didn't even have to tell them that Quincy was going to be staying for awhile. If anything, they welcomed it. Accepting him into their home.
"Why's that?" I ask him. Watching as he falls onto my bed with a huff. He's arms crossed over his chest.
"I just walked in on Kendall going to town on Monroe! I think I'm never going to forget that image." He mutters. Rubbing his eyes as if that would rid him from the sight of my brother and his boyfriend enjoying each other's company.
"Yeah, they are in the honey moon stage." I joke. He looks at me with a glare.
"This is not funny!" He yells. Despite the slight upturn of his lips.
"It kinda is. Sorry." I tell him. Falling onto the bed beside him.
"Want to look for houses tonight?" He asks me. Shifting so he's lying on his stomach.
"I don't really have the money to support myself on my own." I tell him. Causing him to frown,
"So, are you going to apply to jobs?" He asks me. I nod.
"I was thinking maybe at the gym. I spend enough time there as is. I think it would be good for me too. " I tell him. I've been thinking over it for the past few days and have applied to the local gym. They're looking for a receptionist. Which is fine by me, I don't need any luxurious job. Just something to help me get by. I get a thousand five hundred a month from the government, and which is rent basically. All I need now is spending money for groceries and other things.
"That's actually a really good idea. Have you applied?" He asks me.
"Yeah, I'm just waiting to hear back from them. Fingers crossed." I tell him.
"I'm waiting for something I like to pop up. My parents are paying for my stay right now. Since they wanted me to go to this fancy school. Honestly I'm glad that I don't have to go everyday. It's the only thing I like about this school." He sighs.
"Why is that?" I ask. Seeing as I've never heard of a school like that.
"It's a school for the gifted. We cover what a whole semester does in a month. Since my parents were strict with grades, I've always been successful with schooling." He explains. I knew that the kid was smart, you can tell by how he holds himself.
"I had a hard time in school. I could never pay attention." I add in.
"Were you the class clown?" He asks me. Eyebrow raised.
"No, I was in the background. I didn't like being the center of attention. Still don't." I reply.
"Would you ever consider going to school some where other than here?" He asks again. I look over at him while I think.
"I just got home from my service. I don't think I would want to be away from my family and friends. It would be too hard. If they were coming along sure, but no I would probably finish my schooling here." I answer him.
"I wish that my family were as close as yours." He mumbles.
"We weren't always close. Monroe is a couple years older than me, meaning that he left home sooner. Which left me alone with my father. Who is frankly a piece of shit. I wasn't that close with Avery and his mother seeing as we were a great distance away. I loved them, yes. At times I felt alone. I had Holden, he was my support system. He was there to protect me. Back then, I wasn't who I am today. I was afraid, tiny and I couldn't defend myself." I say to him.
"Really?" He asks me. Not believing me.
"I'm sure that Holden will break out the pictures eventually. Just promise not to laugh at me, okay?" I joke. Not liking the serious air that surrounds us.
"I would never," he says in mock seriousness.
"I think you would. You'd enjoy to see me with my ego damaged." I further. Watching as a smile spreads over his pouty lips.
"Well, you do need to be pegged down a few notches. You aren't that good looking." He jokes. Winking at me.
"So I'm good looking huh?" I pick on him. A blush spreads on his cheeks, causing me to chuckle. "I'll take that as a yes." I reward over and start tickling. His head tosses back and he laughs loudly. Trying to get me off of him unsuccessfully.
"S-stop please!" He yells out.
"There's no way that I'm stopping. Now that I know that you're ticklish, I'm never going to stop." I calm out. The glare that he shoots me wants me to die from laughter. His glare is as strong as sponge bob square pants. He won't be able to do any damage. I've spoken to soon when he's suddenly on top of me. Smirking triumphantly.
"Now, what were you saying?" He asks me evilly. Dropping his fingers to my ribs he starts to wiggle them. Causing me to writhe around on the bed. Chuckles escaping my mouth. I look up and watch him smile down at me happily. His eyes shining bright. Soon he stops and leans back. "I think you've had a taste of your medicine." He decides.
"Thank you for your mercy." I joke. Sitting up, grabbing onto his hips so he wouldn't be able to leave.
"It's for the better good." He adds in. His gaze darting away with nerves, I drop my hands lower so they are sitting right above his ass.
"Do I make you nervous little one?" I ask. My gaze spreading over his body. Watching his reaction to me.
"N-no." He denies even though his cheeks redden, Reaching his ears. I rub my thumbs against his exposed skin in circles.
"Are you positive?" I ask him. Leaning in so my mouth is brushing his ear. He shivers against me. A shuddering breath leaving his mouth.
"Y-yeah." He whispers. Watching me with his bright green eyes.
"You make me nervous." I admit. He looks at me in shock.
"Why?" He asks me. I could see that he's doubting me.
"You make me feel things I've never felt before. It's like butterflies times ten." I admit. Watching as his eyes widen even further.
"Really?" He whispers.
"Yeah." I mumble. His hands reach up, cupping my face softly. I close my eyes and enjoy the warmth coming off of him.
"I really like you too." He whispers again. I could barely hear him over my beating heart.
I open my eyes and look into his. Watching as they widen when I bring my head closer. Until I am a breath away from him. It shocks me when he's the one who pressed his lips against my own. I groan loudly at the feeling of his much softer plusher lips against mine. I push against him, wanting to be closer to him. He gasps when my hands drop to his ass. Squeezing it softly, I almost die from the feeling of his perfect ass in my hands. My tongue enters his mouth, fighting with his own. Exploring the new grounds. The taste of him explodes on my taste buds. Causing the need for him to grow.
We pull away from each other after a few more moments. Both of us gasping for air. His lips are now swollen, and his hair is disheveled. I want to see him like this everyday. It makes the sunset look ugly in comparison.

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