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| Nahla Amari |
October 29

It had been months since I last seen Pharaoh and I feel so much better.  I no longer wanted his affection or attention, he had hurt me for the last time with the fuck shit and now I'm on to bigger and better things like my birthday in a two days the big 2 5 so best believe ya girl gone show all the way out I had already bought my costume and my hair has already been slayed by Nari so all I have to do is show up and show out and speaking of showing up August popped up with his wife at my place of business talking about Baby she's the best photographer in town I almost flipped shit but she checked his ass real quick letting him know she knows I'm the other baby mama. His face went pale and I laughed he thought he was doing something but in all reality he wasn't, she apologized for his behavior and paid me extra for her photo shoot and when I say extra I mean 3.5 million extra for her husbands fuck up and I gladly accepted the money which brings me to this point in my life. I'm blessed and not stressed .

" Nahla are you okay ?" Nari called on the other side of the bathroom door. " Yea I'm fine " I looked at my figure in the mirror I had become thicker over the months and my eating habits had picked up slightly." Well hurry up Nasir is waiting for us and you know New York traffic ain't shit so hurry !" She shouts. " Stop fuckin rushing me damn!" I snap. I took one last look in the mirror and headed out not wanting to snap on Nari again , that was becoming a thing as well my anger has progressed over the months as well , I tried to keep it down, but everything set me off literally.

" Bout time " she mumbles " I'm not for it today Nari I will dead ass fight you before we leave " " you need dick in ya life " she stated " No I don't " " Pharaoh is gonna be there and he brought a date, so Nasir invited his friend from College " she says. " Why would you wait to tell me ?!" "because I knew you wouldn't come if I did please just come Kain is a nice dude " she pleads. " Fine but the minute this nigga steps sideways I'm leaving " Deal " she cheesed.


I sat there silently not wanting to engage in the conversation at hand because it was fake they were talking about not fuckin with other people during the talking stage and Pharaoh had managed to agree that is was wrong but yet he did it I chuckled to myself hoping no one paid attention but I was wrong. " What's funny ?" Kain asks " This whole conversation is "  " Why is that ?" " Because the man who sits across from you agrees on not fucking other people while in the talking stage but managed to do so how ironic " I smirked sipping my Long Island iced tea. " Is this true ?" Pharaoh's date asks" Lie I dare you " I challenge " Yes and I'm sorry princess " he says.

" It's Nahla to you " I state bitterly " Nahla " Nasir says in a warning tone. " Don't fuckin Nahla me when you just got out the doghouse and now youre sitting here agreeing with him when you not once have yet to check on your own blood " I spat.

I tried my best I did ,well no I didn't I didn't try at fucking all I knew what I was doing and so did Nari. " Stop it " Nari says with pleading eyes " I'm getting another table I can't stand to be around the fake shit " I grabbed my wallet and phone and left. Asking the first waitress I seen to give me a table , one thing I did learn in life is never sit with a table full of fakes and I could have dragged Nari ass for putting me in the situation but I won't I'll just ignore her for the time being seeing that she's my only friend besides Leah and she's gone on Vacation for a while . After five minutes had passed I was seated far away from them, I didn't need sudden outburst to happen seeing that my mood was official shit.

" May I sit ? " I slightly jumped looking up to see Kain standing there " You startled me but yes you may " " I never knew Nas had a sister " he says" we just found each other recently and he hasn't been the big brother I expected him too " " Well if it helps any his wife his chewing him out and he's chewing the other dude out " he smiles. Damn he's gorgeous " Yea it's a little too late for that " " I'm sorry ma lets change the subject " he says" so how old are you ? "

" 28 I'll be 29 on the 31st " he said " Oh wow " I laugh. " What?" he asks raising his brow. " That's my birthday I'll be 25 " " a fellow Scorpio " he smirks. Oh God them lips. " Are those braces I see ?" " Yea I've had them for a year now he smiles showing them. " Okay I see you" " Tell me about yourself" " As you already know my name is Nahla I'll be 25 in two days I own my own photography studio Im Bronx girl through and through and I'm real coo chick until you piss me off " " I'll have to come by and get photos done one day " I smiled. " I'll hold you too it now what about you ?" " the name is Kain and loves my game " I laughed " And she's laughs but nah as you know I'll be 29 I own about 3 studios and 5 barber shops I'm from Mississippi, but I been out here for about 6 years now "

We sat there for hours on end talking and laughing getting to know each other more , we had exchanged numbers and parted ways ,  I wouldn't mind being with a man like Kain ; he's handsome that I won't take from him and the way the sun kissed his golden brown skin it compliments his greenish hazel eyes ,his muscles show through the polo shirt he wore enhancing the tattoos on his arm , I didn't like a man with long hair especially with braids but he rocked them well and all I could think about was pulling them and at this point I no longer gave a fuck about the bad shit happening I was on a mission and that mission just happens to be...


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