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| Nahla Amari |

I woke up to my phone ringing. " Whoever is callin me needs to have a great fucking explanation on why " "Princess " "Pharaoh " I say in a dull tone. "So, you're going with Nasir as his date?" He asks. "Yes my brother didn't want me to waste a perfect dress " I answer "I want to apologize about yesterday " he sighs. "Now why would you apologize? Hmm is it because you know Nicky would have flipped shit about me ? Oh, wait she did! "Princess you're getting beside yourself " he says in a tone. "Oh, fuck me so what ! Now if you excuse me I have better things to do "

I hung up the phone sighing I knew when I got back things were gonna be a mess, but I didn't care , why ? Well because men are idiots and Pharaoh must be the biggest one of them all at this point . The event didn't start until 8 and it's only 12 in the afternoon I really wanted to sleep until 3 that way I could have been completely rested up but he just had to call and wake me up which left me no choice but to get up I sighed getting up so I could shower and brush my teeth.

Knock Knock

"Who is it ?" I ask wrapping the towel around my waist. "Princess " I hear Nasir mock "Don't do that Nas you sound like Pharaoh " I roll my eyes. "Open up " he says. " Hold on " I say grabbing my white strapless sundress throwing it on, I open the door " What do I owe the pleasure of you being here ?" "you need a new dress; I know you got the dress to match Ro, but we need to match, and my suit is all red with a white shirt and white shoes " he says "Oh, fuck no " "Oh yes " he says. "Do you even know what my dress looks like?" "No "

"Go in the closet and zip the bag down " "No I want you in something better now go put some shoes on and let's go " he demands. "Fine !" I grab my phone and room key " you irritate me " I mumble. "You'll learn to love it my wife does " he says "Wife ? And when am I going to meet her?" "Tonight, she came with her father since I'm bringing you she thought that it would be the perfect way for us to bond but I do have to save the last dance for her " he smiles.

" Ooou I can't wait " I squealed "I bet but now onto you and this hair " "I always wanted to dye my hair and red is the perfect color " I shrugged. "you sound like Nari " he shook his head. "Who?" "My wife" he said in a tone. "I didn't know her name so hush " I wave him off  "My bad " he chuckled "yea yea just drive so we can get this dress and shoes and while youre at it you can get my hair done up since I forgot to call the stylist who did my hair " I smile. "yea you and Nari will get along just fine " he mumbles.

We had spent countless hours in different stores trying to find a dress because he refused to let me wear the one I already bought. We had found shoes, but no dress and he was becoming restless. " Nahla it's already 4 " he groaned "This is the last store I promise " " Fine just pick a dress and come on " he says annoyed. We walk into the store and this gorgeous red dress catches my eye. " That one " I point " Finally !" He shouts.

I eye the dress as the cashier takes it down , the back is out and the front ties up around the neck and has slits that come up to my thigh midway on both sides which is perfect. " Sis your gonna stop the show tonight " he smiles "I think so too this is way better than my original dress " I chuckle. Your welcome " "Now off to my hair " I drag him out the store with my dress in his other hand. "Slow down I'm having Nari come to the hotel to do your hair " "She's a stylist?" I ask " Yes, she is has the best salon is Queens "  he gloats. "May said the same thing about Leah "

"Leah works at Nari's salon their cousins " he shook his head laying my dress down in the backseat " I'll never need to go to a salon ever again " " Don't say that to her it'll just boost her ego "


It was time to leave for the event and of course Nasir is running late which put me on edge , my own brother wouldn't leave me hanging would he ? But then a knock on the door came. "Finally! " I shouted. Opening the door, I noticed it wasn't Nasir but an unknown man. " Who are you ?" I ask " Mr. Howard sent me to drive you to the event he didn't wanna take the shine from you " he says.

" I guess " I grab my clutch and room key and head out " you look gorgeous ma'am " he says " thank you but call me Nahla " I smile at him." I might have to call my mother and tell her I fell in love tonight " "Your too sweet " I blushed. " thank you Nahla " "How far is the event from here ?" I ask "20 min drive " he says opening the door for me . "Thank you "

The ride was silent, and I have a bone to pick with that brother of mine for not picking me up, but I'll wait another time to do that I just want to have fun and let myself run free. " We're here miss , I've already contacted Mr. Howard letting him know your here " I smiled politely at him " Thank you " " The pleasure is mine Nahla " he says taking my hand helping me out the car. I made my way in and it seemed become quiet as soon as I stepped in you could hear whispers throughout the place.

Who is she ?

She's gorgeous

Her dress is stunning

Some of things were inappropriate but what else do expect from men , I spotted my brother and father standing next to Pharaoh Nicky Nari and I'm guessing her father , as I made my way over there Pharaoh couldn't take his eyes off me. " You look stunning baby sis " Nasir speaks " don't suck up now I have the right mind to rip you to shreds but I won't on the count of my sister in law " I bump him hugging her" I told you " Nari chuckles " Father this is Nahla Nasir's sister and Nolan's daughter "

" Well hello there princess I'm William " he takes my hand and kisses it.I blush uncontrollably " Nice to meet you " " William back off my daughter " Nolan says " He's harmless dad besides I see the ring on his finger and I wouldn't want his wife to castrate him because he's flirting " I laugh as did everyone else except Nicky " I thought I told you she wasn't supposed to come " Nicky says to Pharaoh. " You did but if I remember correctly you have no control over the fact that my brother brought me as his date, I would watch yourself Nicky just cause Pharaoh is here doesn't mean I won't tap into that ass "

" Princess " Pharaoh says " She's okay we're here together and she won't lay a finger on you not in here and especially if she likes her life " he pulls in her by her waist. " Oh, but I will , I'll turn this place upside down I maybe modest, but I don't do well with controlling bitches and pit bulls so tell me which one are you Pharaoh the pit or the Bitch " I smirked " I like her " Nari laughs " Come on sis let's get you a drink or two " " Yes let's "

" Girl you got balls talking to him like that " she says." I can't always live in fear around him and after the stunt he pulled bringing me here knowing she wouldn't be okay with it has put him on my shit list "" you my dear sister are gonna be death of us all " she laughs more. " I'll take the bullet before I'll let you guys go down " " you most definitely belong to Nolan " she says grabbing two glasses of the tray handing me one " Let's head back " I say downing the glass.

" Girl you are something fierce and that tattoo on your thigh is giving me life " " Guns and roses " I smirk  " it's a matching set " " Nari may I steal my sister for a dance "  Nasir asks his wife. " Yes, but I still want my dance " she points her index in his face. " Yes dear "  He whisks me onto the dance floor " you've managed to piss him off you know " " I don't care if he knows what's best for his pet dog he'll keep her at bay " " his dog ?" He laughs " Yes his dog " I laugh with him." Nasir " a man says

" August what can I do for you ?" " To dance with this pretty lady here" he says "Do you mind ?" Nasir asks me. "None at all " I smile feeling eyes watching me. " Shall we princess " holding his hand out " We shall " putting my hand in his. " So, who are you to Nasir ?" He asks "His sister " " Well he has one fine ass sister " he licks his lips " your mighty fine yourself "

He dips me and pulls me back up " Guns and roses ?" " It reflects my personality " " I see " he nods. I hear someone clear their throat behind me. " It's not nice to interfere Pharaoh " August says with slight annoyance in his voice. " I just want to dance with the lady " he grins " Did your dog say it's okay to dance with me I don't wanna have to put her in her place " " oh it definitely reflects your personality " he smiles " Princess your mouth " " Pharaoh your dog "  ah Nicky what do I owe the pleasure of you being here ? Was yesterday not enough for you ?" August Asks

" Oop " " Nicky " Pharaoh says with venom. " I'm sorry " she lowers her head. "Tsk tsk Nicole you should have told him you were sleeping around , most of the men in here has slept with her " August says " looks like your dog has had multiple partners what a shame and here she had a problem with me when in reality her problem is not being able to keep her legs closed " I say with a devious smirk. " I'll take that dance now Pharaoh " " Of course princess."

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