Twenty Five

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| Nahla Amari |
Christmas Eve

I sat in the front row listening to the preacher say a few words about Pharaoh that weren't even true, but I wasn't gone stop him either since he wanted to paint him as a hero to the community when all he really did was hurt it. His mom had been mugging me since I sat down and honestly she was about to get her head blown off if she kept it up, she had made it known the day he died that my son wasn't her grandchild and that's fine with me because I refuse to beg someone to be in my sons life. I could feel myself become angry just thinking about all the information I had on this broad like who pimps out their son!? She had Pharaoh supporting her expenses when his father went to jail, he was only 16 sleeping with women far more older then him.  His notebook contained all his secrets in it from his childhood and I could honestly understand why he was heartless , no one showed him the proper love .

As the choir sung No Weapon by Fred Hammond the church filled with cries , Kain rubbed my belly as I cried silently . Here it is Christmas Eve and his mom wanted a funeral, if I had any say so the funeral wouldn't be until the 28th but because I didn't she got her way . " Thank you choir " the preacher says " A week ago young Pharaoh came to me and gave me a video and I asked him what it was for and he said pastor I know I'm going to die so I want you play this at my funeral I want people to know the truth."

I looked over to see Pharaoh's mother face go pale which meant he was airing dirty laundry." Deacon Jackson hit play Please " the preacher says turning the projector on.

Damn man if y'all watching this then it means I'm dead and this is my funeral, I just want to say thank all of you who came out and for those who didn't ill make sure to haunt ya pussy ass in yo sleep. I wanna say sorry to Nolan for hurting his baby girl , you were like a second father to me and I appreciate everything you did for me I love you unc . To my conniving mother I hope you burn in hell for the pain you caused me . He chuckles
I bet you didn't tell mr preacher man you let me fuck his wife for 10,000 dollars or a few of the other church ladies! What kind of mother tells her friends that her son is packing but it all made sense when you let me fuck the baby sitter at 12 yo sick ass was just grooming me for when dad went to jail and when he did you put ya plan in motion , that house you stay in is officially Nahlas so I advise you to get all your shit out her house before 6:00 PM tomorrow . Nasir my brother from another mister Ima miss you dearly brother but word of advice your wife isn't to be trusted watch her son I'm serious , and I saved the best for last my fuckin princess I love you mama and be careful who you call family you can't trust every one especially if their hiding secrets from you , stay up princess and make sure Zeus knows I love him.

The video had ended, and I felt Kain stiffen when Pharaoh said hiding secrets , all it did was make me curious on what he could be hiding . I wiped my tears and exited the church building heading straight to the car. Pharaoh had been cremated and buried with his grandfather early this morning which was backwards as fuck but then again his mother planned this shit.


I sat and watched as they strung Leah and Dean up. I couldn't believe I trusted this bitch as my friend ! I let her in my home treated her as a sister and she betrayed me. I didn't wanna hear why either because no explanation could save her from meeting Jesus early ." So who wants to go first ? " I ask smiling ." Don't do this please I'm pregnant " she cries" did you care that I'm pregnant when you gave them address huh ?"She says nothing " exactly!"

Am I Psycho by Tech 9 played I could feel myself turning into a different person , it was if someone else took over. I grabbed the machete off the table making my way over to Leah , I traced her stomach with the knife smiling I could practically smell the fear on her which made me laugh. hm what to cut first ? Her tongue. "Open your mouth and stick your tongue out and please don't make this hard "

Complying to my order she stuck her tongue and I sliced it right off watching the blood drip from her mouth " that's for telling him my address " I smirk as I chop her hand off " Hand me that cup Please " One of Hectors men came forward with the cup that contained salt lemon juice bleach and rubbing alcohol. I smiled pouring the mix over her open wrist she

couldn't scream like she wanted to but the horror on her face made me feel happy inside, I continued cutting her in different places until I made it to her stomach sticking the machete straight through with no mercy." Fuck your baby " I say coldly "NOOOOOO" dean screams out

" oh for god sakes " I say chopping his head off " I'll be in the car and when we get home I want you to explain what that was back at the church earlier today " I began walking off but stopped " Burn them and send their ashes to their parents as Christmas gift " and with that I left looking at the clock on my phone the time read.

12:05 AM
Christmas To Me

The ride home was quiet and when we got home it stayed that way. I had showered and washed all the blood off my body and hair. I waited patiently on him to finish showering so he could explain himself because I had no energy for the fuck shit and if that's what it is he'll regret his life. " What ya wanna know ? " he asks snapping me out my thoughts " You know what I wanna know don't fuckin play dumb wit me Kain."

He sighs " Nari and I use to mess around a lot before I knew she was married to your brother, she knew we were friends but I didn't know she was his wife until he invited me over one day , when she walked through the door her face dropped and I immediately told him what happen between us " he says.

" Did you date her cousin?" I ask. " Yes but she ruined that for me she didn't want me with no one else but ha' " he says " Where do I come in on all this ? " " She set us up thinking you wouldn't like me and that I wouldn't like you and when I told ha' I was serious about you she flipped shit talking about I was just supposed to drive you back into Pharaoh's arms "

I searched his eyes to see if he was lying and he wasn't " where you ever gonna tell me ? " I ask, " soon after you had the baby I was , I didn't wanna stress you out more with this but now it's out there " he says sitting on the bed " I love you shorty and I want us to work so if that means you being mad at me for this then go ahead but I'm not going nowhere " I looked him in his eyes " I love you too " I said laying down " But I should have known since she's Leah's cousin "He laid down on the bed pulling me into him , wrapping his arms around my stomach . " Merry Christmas baby " " Merry Christmas papa "

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