Ch. 7- Relationships

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Lauren's POV

Next Morning

I wake up to my phone buzzing nonstop. It's all from Louis. Last night around eleven I tried to change my flight to today and it wouldn't let me. The next flight is next Thursday. Today is Monday. That means a total of eleven days. My moved flight was supposed to be in four days but it got cancelled. My phone rings again and it's Sarah.

Liam-Love, please come see him. He has trashed his house and we caught him about to get hammered.
Me-Liam you don't even understand! I love him and all he did was defend her while I spoke the fucking truth! Then I give him a choice and he does what I said not to do! Then what I said about her coming to steal him away becomes true and she shows up!
Liam-do it for us if you won't do it for him. This could break him so bad that he leaves the band and leaves us Louisless.
Me-What did she do when I left?
Liam-She smirked and left. We told Louis what happened and that's when he went wild. He left early to find you. He really cares about you Lauren.
Me-well he should have thoug-
Liam-please just come for at least half an hour! That's all I'm asking.
Me-fine! That's it! I'm already pissed I couldn't get today's flight and my other one was cancelled! You better be fucking happy!
Liam-I am! Thank you!
End of conversation.

I walk out of his room and see Lottie. "Do you mind driving me over there?" She gives me a sad smile and nods. When we get out of the car I hear him screaming. I make my way inside carefully. The girls are all scared of him and are in the kitchen.

"I hate all of you," Louis screams.

"Don't take your anger out on them," I scold. He sees me and breaks down. I see a few empty beers around and lamps smashed and the tv cracked. Broken glass is everywhere to say the least. I walk over to him and gently grab his hand which has glass in it. "Louis come with me." He gets up and follows me upstairs to his room. Pictures from the wall are smashed on the ground and there is a hole in the wall. I pull him into the bathroom. "Take your clothes off," I tell him. He takes his shirt off and has a hard time with his pants so I help him. "Do you have any glass on your ass?"

"No," he cries.

"Alright babe, sit down." He sits on the lid of the toilet. I get the glass out of his back and he leans back. I kiss his cheek and lay my cheek against his. "Quit crying baby. I'm here. If you still want me then I'll stay baby," I tell him.

"Please," he begs. I nod and kiss his lips. I finish getting the glass out of him and hug him carefully.

"Please don't do that again baby boy," I beg.

"I won't! I'm sorry for yesterday! If I'd known that she was like that I wouldn't have defended her," he cries.

"I know. It was silly of me to be that upset that you were just defending her but then when she showed up that crossed the line. Liam said that after I left she smirked and left."

"That's what he told me too. I didn't even see her," he says.

"Alright sexy boy, I'll be right back. Do you want to get a bath," I ask him.

"Yeah. Will you get one with me?"

"Not today. I'm sorry baby." He nods and kisses me again.

"Thank you for helping me out even when you were mad at me," he thanks.

"Thank Liam for calling me. I was just trying to get out of here. Thank God the only flight I can get is in eleven days."

"Tell him I say thank you! And I'm glad but sad. I don't want you to leave," he says.

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