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"Love has an unique way of showing itself. It will give you dreams at the most unexpected moment and it will leave you when you will need it the most"

The moment when you decide that somethings amd some people need to be given one more chance not for their goodness but for your satisfaction is the one which is so full of confusion and complications. This is when we get confused while taking a decision because sometimes we ourselves aren't sure about it. The trauma is high within itself and the decision is within the clouds of doubts. The same feeling I'm having right now. Holding the phone I kept glancing at the number just one touch was all that I needed to do but that was the hardest thing at the moment.

Taking a breath and reminding myself that I need to do this for my love and my own satisfaction I dialed Vansh's number and waited for him to answer it.

"Yeah tell" was what he said answering the call

"Are you free? I just needed to talk to you" I asked him

After few moments of silence he answered "how about I come over to your place and then we can talk"

His answer gave me a hope that now everything will be ok. Smiling I told him "ok no problem"

"Alright I will see you in an hour" he said and ended the call. Getting up from the couch I made my way to the bathroom to atleast make myself look little presentable. Looking at the mirror I realized the damage I have done to myself by thinking and crying. Washing my face I tried to make myself as presentable as I can. When I was sure that now I'm ok I made my way to the room and started tidying it up. After all the cleaning I decided to make something to eat as I haven't eaten anything till now. Reaching the kitchen I decided to make some sandwiches and took the ingredients required. Twenty minutes and I was done with it, picking the plate I set it on the table and as I was about to sit the bell ranged.

I opened the door only to come face to face with Vansh. Moving a little I gave him space to enter. He sat on the couch and picked the plate of sandwiches and started eating them. I made my way and settled down next to him. For a moment none of us spoke and it was pure silence after a while I decided to break it.

"How are you?" I asked him

"Good" he told me and further said "look let's just forget about each and everything that has happened and be normal"

I looked him straight in the eyes and replied "that's exactly what I want" I told him and further said "but we need to figure out somethings because this is only causing us pain and nothing else. I really need to know Vansh what the problem is. What my mistake is and where I am wrong"

"No one is wrong Sanaya it's just that what I say you don't get it and take it in another way" he told me

"I know that is the problem but Vansh you yourself doesn't understand many things and I want you to know what is going on" I replied

"Then tell me what you want me to know that's it and nothing else. Why you have to complicate it? Why you have so many expectations?" he asked me

"I don't have any complications Vansh it's just that I love you and it was you who promised me a fairytale and now when I am asking you what has happened you are blaming me" I almost cried to him

Running his hands through his hairs he said "see Sanaya things aren't always the same and you need to understand it"

Holding his hands and turning his face towards me I asked him "tell me one time Vansh when I haven't understood you?"

I expected him to say something or argure back with me but what he did wasn't expected at the moment. Instead of answering me he kissed me. At first I tried my best to resist it but eventually I gave up and kissed him back. When we pulled apart I looked at him expecting him to answer the question now or say anything that will justify his act. All he did was that he grabbed me hand and pulled me on his lap and said "let's stop this fight now and just be as we were please. I hate fighting with you and you know how much I love you"

Closing my eyes I tried to make myself understand that its ok to forgive him and to forget each and everything that has happened. Opening my eyes I looked at him and said "its ok but atleast try to know the problem so that the situation is not repeated again"

He stood up and pulled me up too and started walking towards the bedroom. I looked at him with questioning eyes but instead of answering he kept walking and when we reached the room he turned towards me. Holding my face in hus hands he said "let me make you forget all the worries and answer all the questions and doubts you have." Moving away from him I asked him "is sex your way of solving each and every problem?"

Pulling me close he said "no this is my way of showing you how mych I love you" and with that said he kissed me deeply and I knew I won't be able to stop him neither will I be able to resist him because this is what love is according to him and no matter what I think at last I have to give up.

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