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"Loving someone is easy and doesn't require much efforts but holding on when you are getting hurt in return is difficult and sometimes its better to let go and set ourself free"

Love always suprises us in an unique and unexpected way. The moment when we think that everything is ok it just takes a nasty turn and we are left again at the starting. The moment when we thought that we have finally understood it is the moment we dig our own holes. Its takes more then efforts to make the person realize your love and worthiness and I guess I will never know what exactly it is that I need to make Vansh see my love. We were in some sort of competition where none of us were speaking just staring at each other and were waiting for the moment when one would give up and say something.

Finally Vansh decided to break it with his venom dipped words. "Just tell me that why didn't you bother to tell me that you were going out with my brother and above all you never bothered to mention it till date?"

"It was my fault that I didn't informed you at the very moment but later on I did tell you about it and that too several times but why are you behaving as if I have never told you?" I countered back

"Because you never told me and that's the problem how easy it is for you to lie" he said

"Why would I lie Vansh? It wasn't that I went with some other guy, he was your brother and I don't have any reason to lie" I tried to make him understand

"You never told me and just accept it and why didn't you tell me at the very moment?" he asked

"This was my mistake and I am sorry for that but I was too angry Vansh and you never called me again but I did tell you about it later" I told him

"I don't get it why are you lieing. You never told me" he again blamed me

His stubbornness made my more angry and I was really not able to understand that why isn't he accepting it that I told him. I had no idea that whether he was lieing or he has really forgotten it but he just can't forget a fact that I have told him several times. I knew that this argument is not going to be ending soon and what made it more painful was that he wasn't ready to accept the truth.
Taking a breath I tried to make him understand the situation "see Vansh it is just an misunderstanding and nothing else. I didn't called you at the very moment because I was angry and I am sorry for that but I told your brother to call you and he did but your phone was not reachable at that moment. After that I returned back and we didn't talked for three days and someone else told me that I am hurting you. How am I supposed to react to that? And do you know what your brother told Suhana? He told her that I was being stubborn and was not understanding you and you tell me when was I stubborn and when I didn't understood you? And Vansh again I am telling you that I told you about that day. I have mentioned it many times. Why are you not accepting it?"

He didn't answered me and was looking at the floor and I thought that maybe he is trying to understand but what he said next made me heartache and all the respect I had for him vanished. He said "so that means that when you angry you will do anything and will go against me. This clearly means Sanaya that you can go anywhere with any guy"

His words made my blood boil and all those love, promises and care disappeared and I totally lost it. I did what I felt right I slapped him but not too hardly. Next thing I knew was that he held my hand tightly and said "no one has ever dared to slapped me not even my father and how dare you do that? I won't forgive you" with that he left my hand and walked away. I was lost in my world, his words have inflicted a deep wound but after regaining my conscious I ran after him to stop him. When I reached him he was at the door and I caught his hand before he could open the door.

"Vansh let me explain it please just listen to me I didn't wanted to slap you but what you said wasn't right. It hurted me and it wasn't the first time that you have used such words before also you have said things like that and this time I just lost it. I too have a respect Vansh and you need to respect me" I told him truthfully and waited for him to come come inside and settle down so that we can talk but what he siad wasn't expected and neither was his actions. He told me "you were wrong and you made mistake and I will punish you in any way possible even if I have to slap you I will do that. I consider you to be my wife and I will treat you as I feel" saying this he pushed me and I fell down hitting my leg in the process and he saw that but instead of helping me he walked off.

Sitting there alone I felt used and disgusted with myself. The physical wound that he gave me wasn't hurting that much as much his words were. I had no idea what I did to deserve it. I made mistakes but I made up for them but still he treated me like this. I wasn't feeling the pain anymore all I felt was numb as if I was dead.

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