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After one of my friend's interest to read this book, finally I decided to write it. First of all let me introduce myself as a University student who sucks at most of things, and yeah you may include my grammar which is a shame for an English Language and Literature student, anyway I'm trying. I live a very normal/ boring life that at least someone can relate to; I mean who don't have a shitty day at school/ University or WORK!! If you don't LUCKY YOU.

Enough of rambling let's dig in:

Firstly, I would like to talk about the idea behind the book which is (I think) obvious from the title 'My Weekly Life' . Every Friday and Tuesday I'll be uploading a chapter that will include an issue, something that people are raving about, or an experience that I've had whether it's a good or bad one. As you know when life gives you lemon, just KICK IT! –yeah so inspired by Harry Styles.  Anyway, I hope this introduction will give you a quick hint about what will be up next! And since tomorrow is Friday I'll be writing about a HUGE issue in my life which is "Parents" – yes what you're reading is correct!- I'm going to write about 'Can parents be a huge problem in their kids' life? And How?'

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