Little Me

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Today's topic is about little me—yes, that's right—and how I could change some things and concepts I had when I was young. Simply, today's topic is about "3 Things I Would Like to Tell My Younger Version of Myself". I have always thought about the idea of changing my past, and if I was able to go back in time to change me, but of course I can't, and tell her you will be just fine. But today, I'll imagine that I have this ability/chance, and I would love to use it.

Let's dive in:

Be Confident: I had/still have some confident issues that I'm not happy about; however, I'm trying to change and embrace my weirdness, anyway. But if you compared my younger me to now, there's a huge difference about how I feel about myself . To my younger self, I would like to tell her to be confident and embrace herself a lot more because she deserves to be loved and be a badass, as well.

Trust your gut: Our inner sense is always right and we know it, but we still sometimes deny it. I mean we know when things feel good or bad. I had a lot of memories concerning this issue, but now I trust my gut because if I didn't, I will regret and you know how much I hate this feeling. In fact we all hate this feeling.

Don't lose yourself, or Try Too Hard: DO NOT lose your soul for someone, so that they'll like you. Being yourself is the best way to attract people and be likable if that's what you're looking for. In fact, don't try too hard to work a relationship/friendship that you know it'll NEVER stay.

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