Lessons I Can't Forget

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Today's topic is a bit of a sum-up about my life and my humble experience with it. I've through a lot in my life although I'm still young, anyway. When I mention the word 'Life, this word always pops in my head 'Lessons'. Today's topic is "3 Life Lessons that I can't/won't Forget them."

Let's dive in:

Responsibility, I've been taught that life is a responsibility, and I have to be responsible to keep going. In fact, I'm not always responsible, and sometimes I hate responsibility. At first, I felt it like a cage to your freedom, but then I understood that my parents were right. When I pick the wrong choices in life, I have to be responsible for the consequences. I still remember when I was young having bad grades, my mom would always tell me that I'm responsible for my future.. etc. Me on the other side, crying and screaming what responsibility means and how I can be responsible. Finally, I understood how things work.

Depend on yourself because no one have time/effort to be there for you most of the time. Yes, that what I've heard and experienced through out my whole life. Depending on myself to get my work done is the only way to be a successful/unique person because no one can make you feel, say or do something that You don't want to. You control yourself better than someone controls you. It's your life at the end. Absolutely, there's nothing wrong in asking for some advice and getting a little bit of help through our dark/ low moments.

Nothing is impossible. In fact, the word 'Impossible' says: 'I'm Possible'. If you want to do something, you can do it. You just have to set your mind to whatever you want, have the passion for it and have a well-organized plan. And if you didn't get what you want, be sure that something better is coming in the way to you.

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