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Today's topic isn't really a topic it's more of a life update, and how I'm pushing through. I decided to share this chapter because you might be like me, so I've been through A LOT of mixed emotions this week that I can't even describe it.

This week was a mess. First, I've been so cruel/bad to myself in two days in a row. It all started on Tuesday because I was wearing a baggy jeans that looked okay on me, but my mind didn't think so. I found myself looking at people and how they are dressed nicely while I'm just a trash can. Eventually, I pushed myself to continue the rest of the day since it was an important one. The point is: I've never thought about what I'm wearing or Do I look like a lady or no? I mean this thought rushed to my brain without warnings. It's crazy, isn't it?

On Wednesday, I felt so bad because my essay paper wasn't as presentable as my Prof. wanted to be, but the thing is that she didn't say what to do, but my mind had another opinion. I suddenly started bullying myself saying how lazy, dirty and messy I am. You might be like " We are like this." But for me it's different because I'm a type of person who loves everything neat, organized and perfect, but obviously not this book, now you can describe the torture I was putting myself through.

Second, Life have been sh*tty to me, so sh*tty, that the only day I felt good in, my father decided to pull up a fight with NO REASON!!But trust me I really didn't care at all; I mean I already had ENOUGH!

I don't know about you, but I've been through sh*t for quite a while and still my mind don't want to shut up. I don't how long it will last, but I'm still standing. I'm trying to survive.

I know lots of people have been through absolutely more difficult situations than those two simple examples I mentioned. But we're all fighting at the end whether it's big or small. We all searching for survival, but what we should do is living our best life. And I promise I'm trying so hard to see the good in everything, but sometimes you have to let go to carry on with your life which is my current situation.

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