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Today's topic is about someone I used to neglect, but without this person I wouldn't be here. This person is me—yeah, I'm typing about myself today—that have been neglected for more than 5 or 6 years. Today's topic is "Self-Love"

If someone asked me what did you do for yourself other than studying and hitting those A's, I'd tell you nothing. I mean I haven't took care of myself properly for more than 5 or 6 years because I thought it's useless. I don't who I was really, and why I treated myself so harshly like that. I used to think that if you want to succeed, you have to neglect your needs, or even thinking about a treat for yourself is like a sin for me that can't be forgiving. I believed that being harsh is the only way to the top. Eventually, I totally changed this idea after an experience that I've been through. Such experience that taught me I was so wrong, and I should pay attention to myself, my health, and my life.

In my teenage life I was so boring and nerd in a way that no one would ever believe if they meet me now. My life was so dull and only centered on studying to achieve my dream, but I really regret it because I haven't enjoyed this time of my life at all. I was so depressed and paranoid that all I could think about anything other than studying to get those stupid A's—yes, I got the A's, but I lost myself and destroyed me—that I measured if I'm smart enough or not.

Now, I'm trying to enjoy my life to the max. I'm trying to take care of myself physically and mentally, without neglecting my studying, as well. Now, I have a me time to relax and enjoy my own company and others, too. Now, I'm better. I'm not typing this chapter to show off, or to tell you how awesome I am. NO! What I'm saying is that whenever you feel the need to relax; do it! JUST DO IT!! It doesn't matter if you're rich or broke, like me, It doesn't matter that you're going to a Spa, or stand in you tiny shower area. All that matter is to love yourself, be kind to yourself because that's your way to happiness. YOURSELF IS YOUR FIRST PRIORITY! BE KIND!

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